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3.1.x Version?

Posted: 30 Aug 2015, 16:49
by Bullseye
Is it likely to be made available for 3.1.x?

Re: 3.1.x Version?

Posted: 31 Aug 2015, 07:16
by Stoker
I think there is a version available at in the dev forum

Re: 3.1.x Version?

Posted: 31 Aug 2015, 16:18
by martin123456

Re: 3.1.x Version?

Posted: 01 Sep 2015, 02:27
by Bullseye
Thank you :)

Re: 3.1.x Version?

Posted: 01 Sep 2015, 03:00
by Bullseye
And I managed to change the image in the guest register part edit the overall_header_body_before.html in .../ext/dmzx/pmregbar/styles/all/template/event

just change everything saying reg.png to an image of your choice... I chose and animated gif of a cute puppy ;)