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Parchment BBCode Light

Posted: 07 Mar 2010, 22:17
by BBCode Bot
Parchment BBCode Light

Author: Dakin Quelia
Description: With the Parchment BBCode Light you can insert a parchment text
Attached file:
(108.55 KiB) Downloaded 658 times
Download, unzip and upload the parchment folder to your images folder


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

<div style="margin: 0 auto;">
   <table width="430" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: justify;">
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_01.gif" width="25" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_02.gif" width="370" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_03.gif" width="35" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_04.gif" width="25" height="136"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_05.gif" width="370" height="136">{TEXT}</td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_06.gif" width="35" height="136"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_07.gif" width="25" height="106"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_08.gif" width="370" height="106"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_09.gif" width="35" height="106"></td>

Code: Select all

Parchment: [parchment_light]Text[/parchment_light]

Code: Select all

[parchment_light]Thanks to Dakin Quelia for this BBCode[/parchment_light]
[parchment_light]Thanks to Dakin Quelia for this BBCode[/parchment_light]

Re: Parchment BBCode Light

Posted: 02 Jul 2010, 12:33
by Gulf Knight
Hello can someone help me to fix this error with my Arabic form it's alined to the right. what do I need to change!!!

see the pic


Re: Parchment BBCode Light

Posted: 03 Jul 2010, 10:54
by KukY13
I'm not sure, but try using this HTML replacement:

Code: Select all

<div style="margin: 0 auto;">
   <table width="430" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: justify;">
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_03.gif" width="25" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_02.gif" width="370" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_01.gif" width="35" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_06.gif" width="25" height="136"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_05.gif" width="370" height="136">{TEXT}</td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_04.gif" width="35" height="136"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_09.gif" width="25" height="106"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_08.gif" width="370" height="106"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_07.gif" width="35" height="106"></td>

Re: Parchment BBCode Light

Posted: 03 Jul 2010, 22:12
by Gulf Knight
Thank for your help :) it's getting there see the link just need to fix the last corner. ;) I have tried to fix it but it didn't work for me. :x ... p=678#p678

Re: Parchment BBCode Light

Posted: 04 Jul 2010, 11:49
by KukY13
I believe that is because of the alignment.
Try using this one:

Code: Select all

<div style="margin: 0 auto;">
   <table width="430" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="text-align: justify;">
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_03.gif" width="25" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_02.gif" width="370" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_01.gif" width="35" height="26"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_06.gif" width="25" height="136"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_05.gif" width="370" height="136">{TEXT}</td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_04.gif" width="35" height="136"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_09.gif" width="25" height="106"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_08.gif" width="370" height="106"></td>
         <td background="./images/parchment/parch_07.gif" width="35" height="106"></td>
         <td width="30"></td>
         <td width="30"></td>
         <td width="30"></td>

Re: Parchment BBCode Light

Posted: 06 Jul 2010, 13:23
by Gulf Knight
Really thank you for your help but no changes it's the same :(

see the url ... p=678#p678


PS. the new BBcode seems to be the same no changes!!