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PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 19:28
by Stoker
Title: PhpBB3 SEO Title
Version: 1.0.0 RC

Moved: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1282

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 18 Mar 2010, 02:07
by cyber
Installation for phpBB version: 3.0.4

Open language/en/common.php

Code: Select all

'INDEX'                  => 'Index page',
Replace with:

Code: Select all

    'INDEX'         => 'Name of your board',
Notes: Replace "Name of your board" with the name of your board. In my case it is PhpBB3 BBCodes.


Code: Select all

Before add:

Code: Select all

// Page Title Number MOD
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
   'TITLE_PAGE_NUMBER'   => 'Page %s',

Open viewforum.php


Code: Select all

    page_header($user->lang['VIEW_FORUM'] . ' - ' . $forum_data['forum_name']);
Replace with:

Code: Select all

page_header($forum_data['forum_name'] . ($start ? ' - ' . sprintf($user->lang['TITLE_PAGE_NUMBER'], floor($start / $config['topics_per_page']) + 1) : ''));
Open viewtopic.php

Code: Select all

    page_header($user->lang['VIEW_TOPIC'] . ' - ' . $topic_data['topic_title']);
Replace with:

Code: Select all

page_header($topic_data['topic_title'] . ($start ? ' - ' . sprintf($user->lang['TITLE_PAGE_NUMBER'], floor($start / $config['posts_per_page']) + 1) : ''));
Open styles/your_style/template/overall_header.html
Note: This is the same for both prosilver and subsilver2
Find and delete:

Code: Select all

    {SITENAME} • 
Purge cache and refresh templates.

tested and works great thanks stoker 8-)

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 21:30
by apnaitaly
This will work with 3.0.7 PL?

Its working for 3.0.6 , i would like to know if i need to change any thing to update to 3.0.7 PL1

Thanks in advance

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 21:33
by Steve
apnaitaly ยป 08 Apr 2010, 21:30 wrote:This will work with 3.0.7 PL?

Its working for 3.0.6 , i would like to know if i need to change any thing to update to 3.0.7 PL1

Thanks in advance

yes it will , in the 1st post stoker states 3.0.7 but little was changed in 3.0.7 PL iirc just security changes to feed settings.

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 22:36
by apnaitaly
but there is no install instructaion for Phpbb.3.0.7 Pl1

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 22:41
by Stoker
Why not just try the 3.0.6 instructions ad see what happens? ;)

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 22:43
by cisco007
as vectra stated or tried to if you did not understand, if you follow the instructions on the first post, you will be able to install it on your board! Like vectra said there really was no difference between phpbb 3.0.7 and 3.0.7 PL!

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 22:48
by apnaitaly
Thanks Cisco but sorry i am little confused

bcz Install instructions: which is provided is only for 3.0.5 & 3.0.6

Installation for phpBB version 3.0.5

Installation for phpBB version 3.0.6

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 08 Apr 2010, 22:58
by Stoker
apnaitaly, try the 3.0.6 instructions.

Re: PhpBB3 SEO Title

Posted: 09 Apr 2010, 00:31
by apnaitaly
Thanks Stoker , its working ,