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IF Statements

Posted: 10 Mar 2010, 17:52
by Post Bot
Here is the if statements that was posted by RMcGirr83 originally. Plus some addons by Stoker.

<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> If a user is logged in
<!-- IF S_REGISTERED_USER --> If user is logged in and not a bot
<!-- IF S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED --> If auto login is allowed
<!-- IF S_BOARD_DISABLED --> If board is disabled
<!-- IF S_IS_BOT --> If a bot
<!-- IF S_USER_PM_POPUP --> If pop up pm is on
<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_SEARCH --> If displays search
<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_PM --> If display a PM
<!-- IF S_DISPLAY_MEMBERLIST --> If display memberlist.php
<!-- IF U_MCP --> If Moderator
<!-- IF U_ACP --> If Administrator
<!-- IF S_IS_LINK --> If its a link
<!-- IF S_UNREAD_FORUM --> If forum is unread
<!-- IF S_READ_FORUM --> If forum is read
<!-- IF S_LOCKED_FORUM --> If forum is locked
<!-- IF S_LIST_SUBFORUMS --> If there is a list of subforums
<!-- IF S_SUBFORUMS --> If a subforum
<!-- IF S_IS_CAT --> If a category
<!-- IF S_IS_POST --> If a post
<!-- IF FORUM_ID --> Displays the code between the switches if the user is viewing a particular forum.
<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "index" -->some content<!-- ENDIF --> (Others you can use, viewtopic,viewforum,memberlist,faq etc)
<!-- IF S_USERNAME eq 'Stoker' -->Some content here<!-- ENDIF -->


Let's say you wanted something to show in an html file for registered users only, then you could use the following

Code: Select all

<!-- IF S_REGISTERED_USER -->Hello, welcome to<!-- ENDIF -->
Which will only show to registered users.


Code: Select all

<!-- IF FORUM_ID eq 2 -->Welcome to Forum Number 2<!-- ENDIF -->
Which will only show if the viewer is within Forum Id #2.

You can also combine the IF's

Code: Select all

<!-- IF FORUM_ID eq 2 and S_REGISTERED_USER -->Welcome to Forum ID #2 and you are a registered user<!-- ENDIF -->
Also, you can use the following operands as well

or ( || )
and ( && )
eq ( == )

You can use either the language ones (or, and, eq) or the other ones ( ||, &&, ==).

Remember each time you have a <!-- IF something --> statement you must also have an ending <!-- ENDIF --> statement, else you will get errors when the templating engine does it's stuff.

this could be copied to tuturials.

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 18 Aug 2010, 21:13
by TiTex
is there an IF statement like <!-- IF U_ACP --> but instead of if admin to be if not admin ?
or is there another way to show a link or some content to everybody beside administrators ?

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 18 Aug 2010, 21:34
by Steve

Code: Select all

<!-- IF not U_ACP -->some text!<!-- ENDIF -->

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 18 Aug 2010, 22:49
by TiTex
thx for the quick reply but i used if else like this
IF U_ACP some text ELSE some other text ENDIF

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 19 Aug 2010, 10:32
by Steve
yes that works so you used :

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_ACP --><!-- ELSE -->some text!<!-- ENDIF -->
both codes work in the same way but the above code would be more usefull if you wanted to show 2 messages for example:

Code: Select all

<!-- IF U_ACP -->Good day admin please dont pump.<!-- ELSE -->Good day everyone,admin has been told not to pump.<!-- ENDIF -->

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 21 Aug 2010, 08:38
by TiTex
yes , that's what i was trying to acomplish ... a message for admin eyes only and another for everybody else

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 05 Sep 2010, 19:16
by Wildthinks
is there an IF statement for groups?
I'd like to hide some profile fields - so only users in specific groups should see it in the topics.

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 05 Sep 2010, 19:22
by Steve

Code: Select all

<!-- IF GROUP_ID eq 3 -->
change the number 3 to suit your needs
multiple groups would be

Code: Select all

<!-- IF GROUP_ID eq 3 or 4 -->

Re: IF Statements

Posted: 05 Sep 2010, 19:34
by cisco007
no you have to do a little more than that i think Steve! I guess wildthinks you didn't search the board hard enough look here!


Re: IF Statements

Posted: 05 Sep 2010, 19:37
by Wildthinks
Thank you =)

@cisco: Think you're right... after searching through german phpBB support, I was so tired... I think I haven't seen it :D