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Post ID in topics

Posted: 10 Mar 2010, 22:36
by Stoker
Post ID in topics
Written by Stoker

Moved: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1274

Re: Post ID in topics

Posted: 06 May 2010, 15:12
by Ather
and here is a slight modification to the above code :)

Prosilver :
Find :

Code: Select all

<a href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}">{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR}
Replace With :

Code: Select all

<a onclick="prompt('Link to Post:',this.href); return false;" href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}">#{postrow.POST_ID}</a>

Re: Post ID in topics

Posted: 06 May 2010, 20:12
by Oliver
Ather ยป 06 May 2010, 15:12 wrote:and here is a slight modification to the above code :)

Prosilver :
Find :

Code: Select all

<a href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}">{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}</a><!-- ENDIF -->{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR}
Replace With :

Code: Select all

<a onclick="prompt('Link to Post:',this.href); return false;" href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}">#{postrow.POST_ID}</a>
Thats makes parse error :evil:

Re: Post ID in topics

Posted: 07 May 2010, 19:22
by Ather
hmm thats weird, i have tested on 2 places and its working

Note, this is for proSilver and here is my code block from se_square_left style :

viewtopicbody.html :

Code: Select all

<h3 <!-- IF postrow.S_FIRST_ROW -->class="first"<!-- ENDIF -->><!-- IF postrow.POST_ICON_IMG --><img src="{T_ICONS_PATH}{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG}" width="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_WIDTH}" height="{postrow.POST_ICON_IMG_HEIGHT}" alt="" /> <!-- ENDIF --><a href="#p{postrow.POST_ID}">{postrow.POST_SUBJECT}</a></h3>
			<p class="author"><!-- IF S_IS_BOT -->{postrow.MINI_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE --><a onclick="prompt('Link to Post:',this.href); return false;" href="{postrow.U_MINI_POST}">#{postrow.POST_ID}</a> <!-- ENDIF -->{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} <strong>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}</strong> &raquo; {postrow.POST_DATE}</p>

Re: Post ID in topics

Posted: 07 May 2010, 19:38
by Stoker
Ather, Oliver is right.
There is this code extra in what you say find: <!-- ENDIF -->{L_POST_BY_AUTHOR}
When that is removed it will give you an error.

Re: Post ID in topics

Posted: 13 Jun 2010, 13:36
by testas123
can we make, for example numbers for each topic :1, 2, 3 ,4 because for big boards it shows #4154454847

Re: Post ID in topics

Posted: 13 Jun 2010, 16:26
by Stoker
I think there is another mod for that on

Re: Post ID in topics

Posted: 05 Jul 2010, 15:22
by dragoth
i know its kinda old this post

but the mod is called Post number in viewtopic