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Topic Stats Page

Posted: 11 Mar 2010, 00:04
by Stoker
Title: Topic Stats Page

Moved: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1291

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 11 Apr 2010, 15:02
by tonis
lithuanian translate

Code: Select all

	'TOPICSTATSPAGE'				=> 'Temų statistika',
	'VIEW_TOPICSTATS'				=> 'Temų statistikos sąrašas',
	'TOPIC_LASTVIEW'				=> 'Paskutinė peržiūra',
	'TOPIC_LASTREPLY'				=> 'Paskutinis atsakymas',
	'TOPIC_TITLE'					=> 'Tema',
	'TOPIC_TIME'					=> 'Sukurta',
	'TOPIC_VIEWS'					=> 'Peržiurėta',
	'TOPIC_REPLIES'					=> 'Atsakyta',
	'TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_NAME'		=> 'Autorius',
	'TOPIC_COUNT'     				=> '1 Tema',
    'TOPICS_COUNT'     				=> '%d temų',
and Topic Stats Page file for envision style ... y.html.htm

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 12 Apr 2010, 00:46
by Stoker
Thanks tonis

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 12 Apr 2010, 10:47
by Sir Xiradorn
Ita translation

Code: Select all

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'TOPICSTATSPAGE'                => 'Statistiche Argomenti',
    'VIEW_TOPICSTATS'                => 'Sta vedendo la Lista degli Argomenti',
    'TOPIC_LASTVIEW'                => 'Ultima visita',
    'TOPIC_LASTREPLY'                => 'Ultima risposta',
    'TOPIC_TITLE'                    => 'Titolo',
    'TOPIC_TIME'                    => 'Postato in',
    'TOPIC_VIEWS'                    => 'Visite',
    'TOPIC_REPLIES'                    => 'Risposte',
    'TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_NAME'        => 'Postato da',
    'TOPIC_COUNT'                     => '1 Argomento',
    'TOPICS_COUNT'                     => '%d Argomenti',

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 12 Apr 2010, 12:37
by Stoker
Thank you Sir

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 12 Apr 2010, 13:09
by Inner Circle
German Translation

Code: Select all

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'TOPICSTATSPAGE'                => 'Themenstatistik',
    'VIEW_TOPICSTATS'                => 'Statistikseite ansehen',
    'TOPIC_LASTVIEW'                => 'zuletzt betrachtet',
    'TOPIC_LASTREPLY'                => 'Letzte Antwort von',
    'TOPIC_TITLE'                    => 'Thema',
    'TOPIC_TIME'                    => 'Gepostet am',
    'TOPIC_VIEWS'                    => 'Zugriffe',
    'TOPIC_REPLIES'                    => 'Antworten',
    'TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_NAME'        => 'Gepostet von',
    'TOPIC_COUNT'                     => '1 Thema',
    'TOPICS_COUNT'                     => '%d Themen',

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 17 Apr 2010, 18:32
by Michel
French translation

Code: Select all

// Topic Stats page by stoker   
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'TOPICSTATSPAGE'                => 'Statistique des postes',
    'VIEW_TOPICSTATS'                => 'Voir la liste des statistiques',
    'TOPIC_LASTVIEW'                => 'Dernière fois vue',
    'TOPIC_LASTREPLY'                => 'Dernière réponse',
    'TOPIC_TITLE'                    => 'Titre',
    'TOPIC_TIME'                    => 'Publié le',
    'TOPIC_VIEWS'                    => 'Vues',
    'TOPIC_REPLIES'                    => 'Réponses',
    'TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_NAME'        => 'Posté par',
    'TOPIC_COUNT'                     => '1 sujet',
    'TOPICS_COUNT'                     => '%d sujets',
thanks Stoker for this ;)

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 14:02
by ahh72
Spanish translation:

Code: Select all

// Topic Stats page by stoker   
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'TOPICSTATSPAGE'		=> 'Estadísticas de temas',
	'VIEW_TOPICSTATS'		=> 'Visualización de la lista de estadísticas de temas',
	'TOPIC_LASTVIEW'		=> 'Última vista',
	'TOPIC_LASTREPLY'		=> 'Última respuesta',
	'TOPIC_TITLE'			=> 'Título',
	'TOPIC_TIME'			=> 'Publicado el',
	'TOPIC_VIEWS'			=> 'Vistas',
	'TOPIC_REPLIES'			=> 'Respuestas',
	'TOPIC_FIRST_POSTER_NAME'	=> 'Publicado por',
	'TOPIC_COUNT'     		=> '1 tema',
	'TOPICS_COUNT'     		=> '%d temas',

Re: Topic Stats Page

Posted: 03 Mar 2011, 20:17
by Stoker
This attachment has been updated and fixed.