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Custom BBCodes in Dropdown box...

Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 21:28
by arrow8162
I think this is a very useful mod that way bbcodes dont get disorganized, so if you could please add that one, im sure we would all apreciate it.

Steve C

Re: Custom BBCodes in Dropdown box...

Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 21:43
by Stark
Are you looking for this ? :oops:

Custom BBCodes in a select box

Code: Select all
Custom BBCodes in a spoiler

Code: Select all

Re: Custom BBCodes in Dropdown box...

Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 21:45
by arrow8162
yeah the first one, i couldnt find it. thanks

Re: Custom BBCodes in Dropdown box...

Posted: 13 Mar 2010, 21:53
by Stark
No issues, Your welcome !!