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menu buttins on top

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 16:17
by dragoth
alright i looked and looked and i cant find anything for putting buttons right under the header

Re: menu buttins on top

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 16:26
by cisco007

Re: menu buttins on top

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 16:27
by dragoth
yeah like that but i cant get it to look like that

it come out like this
pic mess.png

Re: menu buttins on top

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 16:35
by cisco007
it doesn't look like you put the edit where it's supposed to be in the overall_header.html file, and did you follow the directions of the mod?

Code: Select all

Open your web browser and follow the instructions in install_menu/install.php. Refresh Templates and Themes in ACP-Styles and purge the cache. Then you can adjust menu in .MODS in the ACP.

Re: menu buttins on top

Posted: 22 Mar 2010, 16:35
by dragoth
done that