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bbcode ascii

Posted: 24 Mar 2010, 23:46
by Fire-Fox
MOD Title: View ascii art like pictures
MOD Author: Fire-Fox
MOD Description: You can use this so you can se ascii art like a picture


BBCode usage

Code: Select all


HTML replacement

Code: Select all

<pre><div class="code_body" style="border: medium none ; background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%; font-size: 9pt; font-family: terminal,'courier new'; line-height: 95%; letter-spacing: 0px; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;">{TEXT}</div></pre>
Help line

Code: Select all

Ascii viewer: [ascii]Text here[/ascii]

Re: bbcode ascii

Posted: 19 Apr 2010, 02:42
by neuropass
Thanks a lot for this. but i can't get it to work... it won't display it correctly.. :?

Re: bbcode ascii

Posted: 19 Apr 2010, 08:17
by Fire-Fox

I have it working in FireFox but don't work in Google chrome. So try FireFox to se if it works there :)

Re: bbcode ascii

Posted: 20 Apr 2010, 05:23
by neuropass
Fire-Fox ยป 19 Apr 2010, 08:17 wrote:Hey!

I have it working in FireFox but don't work in Google chrome. So try FireFox to se if it works there :)

i'm using firefox 3.6...