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chat archive

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 18:13
by VID1973
Can anyone help me out with the chat archive.

I have nearly 400 pages & I would like to remove them.



Re: chat archive

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 18:17
by Fire-Fox
There is no where in the mod you can do it. You have to do it from your sql database.

Re: chat archive

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 18:30
by Steve
VID1973 ยป 05 Apr 2010, 18:13 wrote:Can anyone help me out with the chat archive.

I have nearly 400 pages & I would like to remove them.


am i correct you have mini-chat mod?
what version do you have installed ?
if its the older version run the install file that will clear the chat irrc.
or if its the newer version click on the [x] button

Re: chat archive

Posted: 05 Apr 2010, 18:32
by VID1973
Thanks for that....the x done the

