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Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 10:31
by DannyG
I have looked around a few places on the web, looking for a paypale donation meter, and the only one I can find is for a VBulletin board.

Ok First thing is you need to log into your Paypal account here and create your details for your donation meter. After you've completed imputting your donation details you will be generated a html code. Just replece the HTML repalcement with the code you have been generated. If you dont want to use it as a BBcode, you can easely place it into your Simpal Portal page anywhere you wish.


- Nothing goes between BBcode tags.
- You cannot edit the size of the Paypal widget

BBCode usage

Code: Select all

HTML replacement

Code: Select all

<a name='b_bc1a74202aac012db595000d60d4c902'></a><object classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000' codebase=',0,0,0' width='205' height='350' id='badgebc1a74202aac012db595000d60d4c902' align='middle'>
<param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always' />
<param name='allowNetworking' value='all' />
<param name='movie' value='' />
<param name='quality' value='high' />
<param name='bgcolor' value='#FFFFFF' />
<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />
<param name='FlashVars' value='Id=bc1a74202aac012db595000d60d4c902'/>
<embed src='' FlashVars='Id=bc1a74202aac012db595000d60d4c902' quality='high' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' wmode='transparent' width='205' height='350' Id='badgebc1a74202aac012db595000d60d4c902' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allowNetworking='all' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage=''></embed>
Help line

Code: Select all



Author: Danny G


Re: Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 11:11
by Steve
nice little find, take a look at > this < topic and see if you can get it so you only need to add to the bbcode usage :thumb:

Re: Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 12:28
by DannyG
Hey Steve,

I'm glad you like it, Why would you need to use the BBcode usage? All you have to do is git the give button the widget.

Or have I missed somthing? :)

Re: Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 14:25
by cisco007
just curious, so how does this know to who the money was donated to? or does it pickup information from the website automatically? :?

Re: Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 14:39
by DannyG
the widget scrolls the people who have donated through paypal. Ie Mr Blogs donated £10 and so on

Here is a live version Clicky

Re: Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 14:43
by cisco007
i will have to take a look into it, i don't get how it gets the info from your paypal account!

Re: Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 27 Apr 2010, 15:07
by DannyG
cisco007 » 27 Apr 2010, 14:43 wrote:i will have to take a look into it, i don't get how it gets the info from your paypal account!

Its a been developed by Paypal... when you create the widget you have to sign into paypal. then it tells you how much and what donators have made a donation into your account. It takes the payers account and the recivers account info.

But it does'nt give out any personal info.

Read FAQ's

Re: Paypal Donation Counter

Posted: 13 Jul 2010, 18:34
by Galandas
nice! :thumb: