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Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 18:22
by BAT
Example Text : " selecting text to use BBCode "

I want to make the example text bold and underlined ....

In my board's editor I select the example text press the bold bbcode button , it appears as pic1
then I press the underline bbcode button and it appears as pic2
to get it like pic3 , I have to reselect the example text and then press the underline bbcode button

In my board's editor , when ever I want to use two bbcode over a particular text I have to select the text twice , which here in the board of, I can do this by selecting the text only once ...

How can I do this in my board ???

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 18:43
by cisco007
that is how all default phpbb boards, but what Stoker has here might be this mod! ... 0#p3185108

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 18:59
by BAT
Firstly, Thanks a Lot cisco007 .

This mod seems pretty old , the mod topic was last attended on april 2009 , will this work with phpbb 3.0.6 ?

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 19:08
by cisco007
i have it installed in multiple boards all running, the newest phpbb version, so for me it does!

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 29 Apr 2010, 20:43
by BAT
thanks again , I'll try and let you know

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 03:12
by Stoker
I dont have that mod installed, think it is caused by the quickedit mod.

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 03:47
by BAT
ajax quick edit ?

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 08:03
by Stoker

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 17:13
by marc1706
What is my MOD causing? :D

AJAX Quick Edit actually uses phpBB's own functions, therefore you shouldn't have to select the text twice with a clean phpBB install.

Re: Editor issue : selecting text to use BBCode

Posted: 30 Apr 2010, 17:56
by Stoker
Checking my demoboard it seems you are right marc :)
It must have been introduced in one of the newer version, because it has not allways been like that.