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PhpBB3 BBCodes QuickReply

Posted: 13 May 2010, 11:30
by Stoker
PhpBB3 BBCodes QuickReply
Written by Stoker

This is the default phpBB QuickReply with some small changes. Have you ever noticed that the QuickReply button loads last which makes the page jump? This takes care of that problem.

Open quickreply_editor.html
Replace all its content with this:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">

// <![CDATA[

	function hide_qr(show)




		if (show && document.getElementById('qr_editor_div').style.display != 'none')




		return true;


	function init_qr()



		return true;



	// ]]>




	<form method="post" action="{U_QR_ACTION}">

		<div class="panel" id="qr_ns_editor_div">

			<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>

					<fieldset class="fields1" style="text-align:center;">


						<label for="subject">{L_SUBJECT}:</label> <input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" size="45" maxlength="64" tabindex="2" value="{SUBJECT}" class="inputbox autowidth" />


				<div style="text-align:center;">

					<br />

					<textarea style="height: 9em;" name="message" rows="7" cols="76" tabindex="3" class="inputbox"></textarea>




					<fieldset class="submit-buttons">



						<input type="submit" accesskey="s" tabindex="6" name="post" value="{L_SUBMIT}" class="button1" />&nbsp;

						<input type="submit" tabindex="5" name="preview" value="{L_PREVIEW}" class="button2" onclick="document.getElementById('postform').action += '#preview';" />&nbsp;

						<input type="submit" accesskey="f" tabindex="7" name="full_editor" value="{L_FULL_EDITOR}" class="button2" />&nbsp;


			<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>




<div class="panel">

		<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>

			<div class="content">

				<fieldset class="submit-buttons">

					<input type="submit" name="show_qr" tabindex="1" class="button2" value="{L_SHOW_QR}" onclick="hide_qr(true);return false;"/>



<form method="post" action="{U_QR_ACTION}">

	<div style="display: none" id="qr_editor_div">

				<fieldset class="fields1" style="text-align:center;">


						<label for="subject">{L_SUBJECT}:</label> <input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" size="45" maxlength="64" tabindex="2" value="{SUBJECT}" class="inputbox autowidth" />


				<div style="text-align:center;">

					<br />

					<textarea style="height: 9em;" name="message" rows="7" cols="76" tabindex="3" class="inputbox"></textarea>




				<fieldset class="submit-buttons">



					<input type="submit" accesskey="s" tabindex="6" name="post" value="{L_SUBMIT}" class="button1" />&nbsp;

					<input type="submit" tabindex="5" name="preview" value="{L_PREVIEW}" class="button2" onclick="document.getElementById('postform').action += '#preview';" />&nbsp;

					<input type="submit" accesskey="f" tabindex="7" name="full_editor" value="{L_FULL_EDITOR}" class="button2" />&nbsp;




		<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>

Save, upload and refresh the template.

Re: PhpBB3 BBCodes QuickReply

Posted: 13 May 2010, 11:41
by Oliver
Thanks. I but that in my board. Its work!

Re: PhpBB3 BBCodes QuickReply

Posted: 17 May 2010, 00:46
by nelo1

Re: PhpBB3 BBCodes QuickReply

Posted: 22 Jun 2010, 23:51
by billoo
you must go here i think
this was not specified so it took sometime to me..
may be someone gets help with this info
thanks Stoker