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Change domain

Posted: 16 May 2010, 18:15
by Fire-Fox

If i need to change domain sometime soon is there a mod that can convert the topic url's with the board url to the new url ?

Lets say: i change domain "" and the board topics contain urls like do i need to edit them manuel or is there a fancy way to do this?

Re: Change domain

Posted: 16 May 2010, 18:36
by cisco007
i don't think there is a mod for that, i think you would have to manually change those yourself! Unless Stoker or someone else know else knows anything different!

Re: Change domain

Posted: 16 May 2010, 23:55
by Inner Circle
What about this?

Code: Select all

UPDATE phpbb_posts
SET post_text = REPLACE(post_text, 'old url', 'new url')
WHERE post_text LIKE '%old url%'
make a backup first and then check you database prefix

Re: Change domain

Posted: 17 May 2010, 19:21
by Fire-Fox

I'll try it when time is :)
if it works i'll buy you a beer :)