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mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 18 May 2010, 01:29
by neuropass
guys how can i get the option "mark the forum read" on portal?

It doesn't seem to be working on portal page.

I have this piece of code:

Code: Select all

			<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT and U_MARK_FORUMS -->
			<li><a href="./{U_MARK_FORUMS}" accesskey="m">{L_MARK_FORUMS_READ}</a></li>
			<!-- ENDIF -->

Re: mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 18 May 2010, 01:59
by cisco007
did you add the ./ before or after you found it it didn't work? I don't see why you should put that, because {U_MARK_FORUMS} is already declared in the index.php so you shouldn't have to add that! you are just pointing the link to the wrong place!

Re: mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 18 May 2010, 02:33
by neuropass
i don't understand what you mean cisco... all i know it's that with the code above in the portal, "mark forum read" isn't working, but the same code in the index page menu, "mark forum read" is working..

So i guess there is some code needed in the portal.php :?

Re: mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 18 May 2010, 02:41
by cisco007
I am sure you need to add some other code to the portal.php since that code does not recognized as there being any forums on the portal that is why you do not have it working! does the link even show!?

found the answer!

open portal.php


Code: Select all

	'S_WELCOME'                => $s_welcome,
Add after:

Code: Select all

	'U_MARK_FORUMS'		=> ($user->data['is_registered'] || $config['load_anon_lastread']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx", 'hash=' . generate_link_hash('global') . '&mark=forums') : '',
that should do it!

Re: mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 18 May 2010, 07:05
by neuropass
cisco007 ยป 18 May 2010, 02:41 wrote:I am sure you need to add some other code to the portal.php since that code does not recognized as there being any forums on the portal that is why you do not have it working! does the link even show!?

found the answer!

open portal.php


Code: Select all

	'S_WELCOME'                => $s_welcome,
Add after:

Code: Select all

	'U_MARK_FORUMS'		=> ($user->data['is_registered'] || $config['load_anon_lastread']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}index.$phpEx", 'hash=' . generate_link_hash('global') . '&mark=forums') : '',
that should do it!

you are the man! it works now!! 8-)

Re: mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 19 May 2010, 04:17
by neuropass
sorry for the double post.. I know i'm a pain in the b... lol I wanted to know something else.
right now if you click on "marked forum read" on portal, it will work but it redirects you in the index page. would it be possible to be redirected in the portal instead? :?

Re: mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 19 May 2010, 04:43
by cisco007
that i do not know!

just a quick question! why do you want a "mark forums read" in the portal anyways? there aren't any forums there! The portal is supposed to be just for info, the index for the forums! Well i know it's your site, but just wondering!

Re: mark forum read on simple portal

Posted: 19 May 2010, 16:18
by neuropass
i know, it's just because my users are in the portal all the time... thanks a lot for your replies. Cisco..