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Can't get my bbcode to work

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 07:08
by geicorules
I created some HTML with the help of a few sources I found tested the HTML out on an HTML test site and it works perfectly but once I use it as a bbcode as the html replacement it dosnt do anything. Maybe I am missing something can I get a little help.
Here is my Code:
<IMG SRC=" ... oto111.png">

<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:320px; left:37px; width:245px; height:44px">
<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="483731"><b>{text2}</b></FONT></CENTER>
<DIV STYLE="position:absolute; top:363px; left:30px; width:245px; height:44px">
<CENTER><FONT SIZE="+3" COLOR="3E2D29"><b>{text1}</b></FONT></CENTER>

BTW I am using phpbb 3.0.7-PL1

Re: Can't get my bbcode to work

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 13:09
by cisco007
a couple of things, first of all you shouldn't have any capital letters in the html code, second the tags should be in capital letters, for example should be {TEXT1} and {TEXT2}!