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User Registration activation Problem

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 11:40
by BAT
I'm using phpbb3.0.6 ....

In my forum User Registration Settings have been set to By User ...

The issue is after registration user r receiving blank e-mail , hence they cannot activate the account ...

Board Admin has to activate users manually every time ....

any Help please ???

p.s. This activation issue is happening for a long time now , but its only just previous day that a board admin has noticed that users r receiving blank emails for activation , So I do not remember what exactly has been done just before the problem occured ...

Re: User Registration activation Problem

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 12:25
by Stoker
You are not giving us much to work with which could make me say to you that you should start over with fresh files.

But you could start with checking the email files located in the language folder. Maybe overwrite them with fresh files.
And think about if you have installed any mods that does something to the notify system. Or something about sending mails when users register.

Re: User Registration activation Problem

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 12:33
by BAT
Once I have installed the User Reminder mod ....
there is an issue with this mod .... even If I have disabled this mod my board send email to all members (including active members) ....

Re: User Registration activation Problem

Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 13:14
by Stoker
Uninstall it and see if it helps.

Re: User Registration activation Problem

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 05:42
by BAT
I have replaced with orginal email files and it worked ....

Thanks stroker ....

Re: User Registration activation Problem

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 05:46
by cisco007
BAT ยป 20 Jun 2010, 05:42 wrote: Thanks stroker ....