Help me to add a quickreply button with all facilities
Posted: 16 Jul 2010, 20:54
Hlw all............
I am in a great problem......
Please help me.........
I want to set a quickreply button on the viewtopic page.........
I want a quickreply button which included in the middle of the last of the topic........
Such as:
The topic here.......
I have now a super quickreply mod which contains all smilies and all bbcodes etc.....
I need,when i click the button in the middle quickreply then the quickreply which i have now will be showen below the QUICKREPLY button....
I have read about the mod "add button for quickreply" and i tried this but its only supported in the prosilver and its doesn't contain the all things.... and its also not showen in the middle.........
Please help me that how can i get this type of QUICKREPLY button for my theme "Septon_Orange"
And if i want to add a mini_quickreply then did i need to unistall the super quickreply mod?
And can i add those things which are in the super quickreply?
Please give me also the instructions by how can i make able to not show the custom bbcodes in the quickreply.....
The template file where i cant add the Quickreply button edit for that it doesn't work... If you can then give me the instructions how to add the quickreply button in the middle of below the topic and when i click there the super quickreply will appear.........
I will be very kindfull to you if you will help me with the above in detail.......
My forum:
I am in a great problem......
Please help me.........
I want to set a quickreply button on the viewtopic page.........
I want a quickreply button which included in the middle of the last of the topic........
Such as:
The topic here.......
I have now a super quickreply mod which contains all smilies and all bbcodes etc.....
I need,when i click the button in the middle quickreply then the quickreply which i have now will be showen below the QUICKREPLY button....
I have read about the mod "add button for quickreply" and i tried this but its only supported in the prosilver and its doesn't contain the all things.... and its also not showen in the middle.........
Please help me that how can i get this type of QUICKREPLY button for my theme "Septon_Orange"
And if i want to add a mini_quickreply then did i need to unistall the super quickreply mod?
And can i add those things which are in the super quickreply?
Please give me also the instructions by how can i make able to not show the custom bbcodes in the quickreply.....
The template file where i cant add the Quickreply button edit for that it doesn't work... If you can then give me the instructions how to add the quickreply button in the middle of below the topic and when i click there the super quickreply will appear.........
I will be very kindfull to you if you will help me with the above in detail.......
My forum:
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