[BBCode] Welcome BBCode

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BBCoder IV
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[BBCode] Welcome BBCode

Post by all4phone »

Title: Welcome BBCode

Displays the welcome note depending on the time of day (You can add your own texts)
displays username with color of group
displays the text depending on the week day (You can add your own texts).

Author(s)/or Link: all4phone (I took advantage of an idea from 4seven's bbcode: Topic Viewer BBCode and from two others bbcodes: Quotes for every day and Greeting BBCode)

bbcode usage:

Code: Select all

HTML replacement:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">d=new Date();time=d.getHours();if(time>5 && time<=11){document.write("Good morning!");}else if(time>=12 && time<18){document.write("Good afternoon!");}else if(time>=19 && time<=22){document.write("Good evening!");}else{document.write("Good night!");}</script> <strong>{L_TOPIC_VIEWER}</strong>, <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
    now = new Date()
    if (now.getDay() == 5)
    document.write("finally friday ;)")

    if (now.getDay() == 6)
    document.write("you are not in a pub ? ;)")

    if (now.getDay() == 0)
    document.write("sunday rest :)")

    if (now.getDay() == 1)
    document.write("the beginning of week :|")

    if (now.getDay() == 2)
    document.write("what are you doing today ?")

    if (now.getDay() == 3)
    document.write("nice you spend your time ?")

    if (now.getDay() == 4)
    document.write("welcome on the board :)")


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

necessary edits:

Open: language/en/viewtopic.php

Code: Select all

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
Add before:

Code: Select all

global $user; 
Add after:

Code: Select all

'TOPIC_VIEWER'      => get_username_string('full',  $user->data['user_id'],  $user->data['username'],  $user->data['user_colour']),
Good evening! all4phone, sunday rest :)
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[BBCode] Welcome BBCode

Post by Terr0r »

Thanks for this one

Greets Terr0r
If you can't fix it with ducktape you ain't using enough
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BBCoder II
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[BBCode] Welcome BBCode

Post by Forumgratis »

Cool BBCode! [welcome][/welcome]