No Statistic on index?

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No Statistic on index?

Post by Shorty »

With this mod a statistic appears on the index, my first question would be because it is not to see me this is just to see if someone has donated?

How can I make global the statistics displayed in the footer?
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No Statistic on index?

Post by darkonia »

refresh your caches and check your edits
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No Statistic on index?

Post by Shorty »

I have emptied the Cahe and updated the templates and don't they always still?

How can I display when it is displayed then now global in footer statistics?
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No Statistic on index?

Post by Stoker »

Check your edits and the acp settings for the mod.
Also take a look at the mpd acreenshots to see the mods functions
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No Statistic on index?

Post by Shorty »

As you can see on the screen that is selected for the index page and it is not to see?
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No Statistic on index?

Post by Stoker »

Then you are missing the index_body.html edit
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