Smilies Pages

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Smilies Pages

Post by Stoker »

Title: Smilies Pages 1.0.4

Moved: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1293
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Denny »

Stoker. How do I make it so log in members only can see this, and have it come up in a blank page ? Is this possible. If so, could you give me some guidance in how to do this ? Or what to add, and where please.
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Stoker »

Yes, find this in the smilies.php:

Code: Select all

Add before:

Code: Select all

if ($user->data['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS)
    login_box('', $user->lang['LOGIN']);
'This will give a login box for users not logged in.
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Denny »

Thank you Stoker for the help. Is there also a way to have the smilie page come up in a new window, new page, instead of on the same one ? I appreciate the help very much.
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Stoker »

Sure, just change this part of the overall_header edit:

Code: Select all

<a href="{U_SMILIESPAGE}" title="{L_SMSMILIES}">{L_SMSMILIES}</a>

Code: Select all

<a href="{U_SMILIESPAGE}" title="{L_SMSMILIES}" onclick="; return false;" onkeypress="; return false;">{L_SMSMILIES}</a>
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Denny »

Thank you very much stoker. :)
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Michel »

French translation

Code: Select all

// Smiley page by stoker   
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
    'SMSMILIES'            => 'Smileys',
    'VIEW_SMSMILIES'    => 'Voir les Smileys',
    'SMID'                => 'ID',
    'SMCODE'            => 'Code',
    'SMEMOTION'            => 'Emotion',
    'SMWIDTH'            => 'Largeur',
    'SMHEIGHT'            => 'Hauteur',
    'SMSMILEY'            => 'Smiley',
    'SMDISPLAY'            => 'Afficher',
    'SMORDER'            => 'Ordre',
    'SMPX'                => 'px',
    'SMILIEY_COUNT'     => '1 smiley',
    'SMILIES_COUNT'     => '%d Smileys',
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Chalong »

My translation to German

Open language/de/common.php

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

// Smiley page by stoker   
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
   'SMSMILIES'         => 'Smilies',
   'VIEW_SMSMILIES'   => 'Smilies betrachten',
   'SMID'            => 'ID',
   'SMCODE'         => 'Code',
   'SMEMOTION'         => 'Emotion',
   'SMWIDTH'         => 'Breite',
   'SMHEIGHT'         => 'Höhe',
   'SMSMILEY'         => 'Smiley',
   'SMDISPLAY'         => 'Anzeigen',
   'SMORDER'         => 'Reihenfolge',
   'SMPX'            => 'Pixel',
   'SMILIEY_COUNT'     => '1 smiley',
    'SMILIES_COUNT'     => '%d smilies',
Save language files as UTF8 without a BOM.


Posted at
Regards Chalong
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by goodprice »

:lol: thanks
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Re: Smilies Pages

Post by Stoker »

This attachment has been updated and fixed.
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