[DEV] Ajax userinfo

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[DEV] Ajax userinfo

Post by all4phone »

Modification Name: Ajax userinfo
Past author: tas2580
Current author: all4phone

Modification Description: Shows a small popup with the avatar and infos about the user by mouseover on a username with link to profile.

This mod is't validated, so as always do not install on a live board!

Modification Version:
phpBB: 3.0.12
Installation level: Easy
Installation time: ~1 minute
phpBB topic: topic

Info (past) author:
For this Mod the user need enabled JavaScript.

Info (current) author:
I am not the main author of this mod.
I have adjusted only this mod to 3.0.12 and add small code changes in order to avoid MOD pre-validator bugs.
More info you can find in an old topic: [ABD] AJAX Userinfo 1.0.4

  • mouseover popup window with userinfo linked to profile
  • Guests are not able to view userinfo
  • ACP on/off MOD and on/off popup window (independent different locations of board)
  • UCP on/off MOD and on/off popup window
  • Permissions to setup MOD in UCP
  • Six extra profile fields in popup Userinfo window
  • Possibility to hide extra profile fields in popup Userinfo window
FAQ's: How to add more fields to the userinfo box ?

Compatible browsers:
  • Internet Explorer ( 8.0 - checked)
  • Firefox (31.0 - checked)
  • Chrome (35.0.1916.114 m - checked)
Available languages​​:
  • English
Supported styles:
  • prosilver

Screenshots: http://phpbbmods.cba.pl/viewtopic.php?p=620#p620

Demo: soon
Demo Username: tester
Demo Password: 123456

Download: http://phpbbmods.cba.pl/viewtopic.php?p=619#p619
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BBCoder IV
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[DEV] Ajax userinfo

Post by all4phone »

Updated to v 1.0.6

- fixed known bugs
- added option: disable popup window (independent different locations of board)

New download: download
New screenshots: screenshots
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BBCoder IV
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[DEV] Ajax userinfo

Post by all4phone »

Updated to v

- added UCP module
- added permissions to setup mod in UCP
- fixed known bugs

Changed files:
IMPORTANT: All files and their names have been changed !
Sorry, no update available.

Note: to install v you have to uninstall older version and delete files.
Sorry, from this version no support for subsilver2 style.

New download: download
New screenshots: screenshots
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BBCoder IV
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[DEV] Ajax userinfo

Post by all4phone »

Updated to v

- added six extra profile fields in popup Userinfo window
- added possibility to disable/hide (ACP/UCP) extra profile fields in popup Userinfo window

New download: download
New screenshots: screenshots
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BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
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Re: [DEV] Ajax userinfo

Post by all4phone »

Sorry, no further support for modification, because of a new extension system active.