A simple Portal page with acp control to disable/enable and portal text, viewonline status.
You can use bbcodes and smilies in the text area.
There is a welcome message which changes during the day. Code originally by RmcGirr83
Noindex from Crizzo's about us page.
Displays user reg date and how long they have been member. Events for Forum Goal and Top Stats added
Look at screenshots for more explanation
Copy the entire contents of the repository to ext/stoker/portal/
Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
Hi I installed your extension on the latest phpbb version 3.3.13 and it gave me this error: [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/stoker/portal/controller/main.php on line 137: A non-numeric value encountered
Galandas wrote: 18 Oct 2024, 21:15
Hi I installed your extension on the latest phpbb version 3.3.13 and it gave me this error: [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/stoker/portal/controller/main.php on line 137: A non-numeric value encountered
// how long a member for
$member_for = '';
if ($this->user->data['is_registered'] && !$this->user->data['is_bot']) {
// Verifica che user_regdate sia numerico
if (is_numeric($this->user->data['user_regdate'])) {
$member_length = time() - intval($this->user->data['user_regdate']);
} else {
$member_length = 0; // Se non è numerico, imposta a 0
$years = $months = $days = 0;
$member_for = '';
if ($member_length > 0) { // Assicurati che member_length sia positivo
if ($member_length >= 31536000) {
$years = floor($member_length / 31536000);
$member_length -= ($years * 31536000);
$member_for .= $years > 1 ? ($years . ' ' . $this->user->lang['WELCOME_YEARS'] . ', ') : ($years . ' ' . $this->user->lang['WELCOME_YEAR'] . ', ');
$months = floor($member_length / 2628000);
if ($months > 0) {
$member_length -= ($months * 2628000);
$member_for .= $months > 1 ? ($months . ' ' . $this->user->lang['WELCOME_MONTHS'] . ', ') : ($months . ' ' . $this->user->lang['WELCOME_MONTH'] . ', ');
$days = floor($member_length / 86400);
if ($days > 0) {
$member_for .= $days > 1 ? ($days . ' ' . $this->user->lang['WELCOME_DAYS']) : ($days . ' ' . $this->user->lang['WELCOME_DAY']);
Thanks for reporting
I was aware about the error. Also the membership length was incorrect.
Did an update months ago but unfortunately i forgot to post the update
Let me know if the new code still give you errors
~ The greatest achievement in life is to inspire ~ Regards Stoker
I always liked the semi-transparent background ippi image under the text, could you kindly tell me how to put it, I see it a bit as a trademark of the simple portal.
Galandas wrote: 15 Dec 2024, 17:42
I always liked the semi-transparent background ippi image under the text, could you kindly tell me how to put it, I see it a bit as a trademark of the simple portal.
I wont be home for a couple of days.
If I forget, then please remind me
~ The greatest achievement in life is to inspire ~ Regards Stoker