prosilver visited topictitle change color, link

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prosilver visited topictitle change color, link

Post by dragon »

phpbb3. v3.07
problem: in viewforum pages like , the topic title, even though visited does not change color. i already checked all the CSS files and changed whatever "visited" color there is to change.

but that only happens when you click the last page of the thread title/topic (to view the latest post).

so heres what happens. normally you click last page of thread title, then go back to viewforum.php, but when you return, color has not changed to that of visited.

buuuut!, if you click the topic title link (which brings you to page 1), then go back to viewforum.php, only then will you see that color has reflected VISITED.

how to make it so that whether you clicked first or middle or last page of the post, TOPIC TITLE will change n reflect the visited color?

like so...........


or, i guess i need a mod which makes the thread topic title, when clicked, automatically brings me to the last posted page of the thread?

*as it is, clicking on most phpbb3 topic titles bring you to the first page of the thread.

is there a mod for this?
BBCoder II
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Re: prosilver visited topictitle change color, link

Post by dragon »

bump help please
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Re: prosilver visited topictitle change color, link

Post by cisco007 »

wow, you do need alot of help with your forum! :shock:
but, give it some time, i am sure someone will help you as soon as they can!
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Re: prosilver visited topictitle change color, link

Post by Fire-Fox »

I believe there is a guide on for just that :)