New mod, New style problem

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New mod, New style problem

Post by DoYouSpeakWak »

Hey everybody. I tried asking this at Nobody seems to know why this is happening. So i wanted to ask everybody here.

Im making a mod that uses alot of styles. No problems so far. Only with subsilver2. In firefox it looks great. but in chrome the padding is removed. The code is xhtml strict valid so i wonder why there is this diffrence and what there is to do about it.

menu with firefox

menu with Chrome

try yourself

Css that controls this.

Code: Select all

#accordion {
	width: 182px;
	margin-left: 1px;
	margin-right: 1px;
	margin-bottom: 7px;
	margin-top: 7px;
any ideas on why this happens ?

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Re: New mod, New style problem

Post by Stoker »

Remember chrome still is a beta browser.

Anyway, you are writing padding but you are actually using margin. ;)

Use !important like:

Code: Select all

margin-bottom: 7px !important;
I am guessing.
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Re: New mod, New style problem

Post by Steve »

i am guessing the class <h2></h2> already has its own defined css some where in the stylesheet and the browser is ignoring his margin :geek:
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Re: New mod, New style problem

Post by DoYouSpeakWak »

Thanks guys.

Tried both about, changed the name of h2, didnt work, i think as long its inside the accension div it doesnt matter, h2 is also used in the prosilver based styles, they work perfect in ie and chrome.

im leaning on replacing alot of the subsilver2 stuff with sqaure by stoker.