Please help.

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Danny Wood
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
Posts: 12
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Please help.

Post by Danny Wood »

Hi, i raised this in the simple mod topic but i dont want to change the subject in that post so im made a fresh one.

I have been having problems making the portal '' simple portal '' my default home page, at present it is my forum... see here

I am unable to add DirectoryIndex portal.php index.php to a access file as my server is windows based.
I have contacted my provider and recived this responce

Thank you for contacting us with your support enquiry.

For this to work all you have to do to avoid conflict you need to create a folder that will hold your forum file and you have to create the a link on the portal.php page and redirect the link to the folder that you have created for the forum files. And once this has been done rename the portal.php file to index.php and try access your site again.

If somone can please guid me through it i would appreciate it, wish i had used linux now :cry:

Im very sorry about been a pest...

Kindest regards
Danny Wood
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
Posts: 12
Joined: 03 May 2010, 05:02

Re: Please help.

Post by Danny Wood »

Think i have done it, dosnt make for the best looking url but it does the job, dam that was hard haha
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Re: Please help.

Post by cisco007 »

next time you ask for help please read this rule!

Danny Wood
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Re: Please help.

Post by Danny Wood »

My apologise, doubt ill be asking for help again. Waste of my time writing my post for it to be ignored.

Kind regards
BBCoder VI
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Re: Please help.

Post by cisco007 »

you really need to read the rules correctly then, rules.php#rule3b

how long did you wait before you reposted to this topic, don't know about the rest of the support people but as for me, I can't sit around the computer staring at this page and see as soon as someone posts a question to go ahead and answer it. We are more than glad to help you, but you have to give it some time!
Danny Wood
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Joined: 03 May 2010, 05:02

Re: Please help.

Post by Danny Wood »

Again i am sorry for my manner, just one of thoes days. My main gripe was with the actual support, as ive had a few issues with them. I am very new to everything, and althoe i am trying hard to learn i still have quite a few questions.

Didnt mean to come across as i did, thank you for the assistance and i will be sure to read the rules fully.

Kindest regards
BBCoder VI
BBCoder VI
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Re: Please help.

Post by cisco007 »

no problem Danny, i understand how you feel, i was a newbie once, well i still am!