Simple portal, embed live flash feed

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Danny Wood
BBCoder II
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Simple portal, embed live flash feed

Post by Danny Wood »

Hi, i have just been given permision from the owner of phatbeats to have there live footage running from my site.
How could i embed this ... _video.php
into the welcome section on the simple portal?

Ive tryed this to get it into the forum, but it dosnt work

Code: Select all

<embed src="" width="450" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="width=450&volume=50&displayclick=none&fullscreen=true&file={URL}" />
When he gave me permision all he gave me was this

Code: Select all

<?php include("") ?>
@ Cisco007 , this is what was making me mad lol. offerd no support as i referd to simple portal and acording to there team '' There is no MOD/Portal support in this forum '' :(

I have tryed so hard to figure this out on my own as i know it can be done, ive just hit a dead end.
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Re: Simple portal, embed live flash feed

Post by cisco007 »

let me give it a try and will get back to you as soon as i can!


do you want it to look like this:
[hsimg] ... al1273.png[/hsimg]

after the welcome message, but on the welcome block!?
Danny Wood
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Re: Simple portal, embed live flash feed

Post by Danny Wood »

Thank you very much, i realy do appreciate it
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Re: Simple portal, embed live flash feed

Post by cisco007 »

anyways here it goes, open styles/template/simpleportal_body.html


Code: Select all

<hr />
			<p style="text-align:right; font-style:italic; font-size:14px;">{L_PORTAL_MANAGEMENT}</p>
Add before:

Code: Select all

<div style="text-align: center;"><embed 
save, upload, and refresh template!
Danny Wood
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Joined: 03 May 2010, 05:02

Re: Simple portal, embed live flash feed

Post by Danny Wood »

Wow, thank you so much i will try it now :D

Thanks for the great support :thumb:
BBCoder VI
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Re: Simple portal, embed live flash feed

Post by cisco007 »

no problem let me know if it worked! see were are not such bad guys are we!?
Danny Wood
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Joined: 03 May 2010, 05:02

Re: Simple portal, embed live flash feed

Post by Danny Wood »

Yes it worked great, thank you so much. And no your not bad guys at all, far from it. Im suprised you were still willing to help me.
I know i have said it alot but i realy do appreciate it.

Im going to keep at trying things myself, as i realy do want to learn. But expect to see a few more of my noob posts if i get stuck lol

Kindest regards