example side block for simple portal?

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BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
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example side block for simple portal?

Post by neuropass »

hey guys,

Can you please post an example for a single lright side portal block?

i can't figure it out.

i want to move on the statistic on a side small block..
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BBCoder VI
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Re: example side block for simple portal?

Post by cisco007 »

just a hint, in the simpleportal_body.html file all the blocks on the right start after this,

Code: Select all

<td valign="top" style="width: 220px; padding-left:6px;">
the first right block is this:

Code: Select all

	<!-- Start User Menu -->
	<div class="forabg">
		<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
		<ul class="topiclist">
			<li class="header">
				<dl class="icon">
		<ul class="topiclist forums">
			<div class="content<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --> online<!-- ENDIF -->" style="width:auto; height:auto; padding:10px; padding-bottom:0px;">
			<div style="text-align:center;"><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><!-- IF USER_AVATAR -->{USER_AVATAR}<!-- ELSE --><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/no_avatar.gif"/><!-- ENDIF -->
			<p style="font-size:14px;">{USERNAME}</p><!-- ELSE --><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/no_avatar.gif"/><br /><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN and not S_IS_BOT -->
			<p>&raquo; <a href="{U_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}">{L_SEARCH_UNANSWERED}</a><br />
			&raquo; <a href="{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_SEARCH_NEW}</a><br />
			&raquo; <a href="{U_SEARCH_ACTIVE_TOPICS}">{L_SEARCH_ACTIVE_TOPICS}</a><br />
			&raquo; <a href="{U_SEARCH_SELF}">{L_SEARCH_SELF}</a></p>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- IF not S_USER_LOGGED_IN and not S_IS_BOT -->
			<form method="post" action="{S_LOGIN_ACTION}" class="headerspace">
			<h3><a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}">{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a><!-- IF S_REGISTER_ENABLED -->&nbsp; &bull; &nbsp;<a href="{U_REGISTER}">{L_REGISTER}</a><!-- ENDIF --></h3>

			<p>{L_USERNAME}:<br /><input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="20" class="inputbox autowidth" title="{L_USERNAME}" /> <br /><br /> 
			{L_PASSWORD}:<br /><input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="20" class="inputbox autowidth" title="{L_PASSWORD}" /></p>
			<p><!-- IF S_AUTOLOGIN_ENABLED -->{L_PORTAL_REMEMBER} <input type="checkbox" name="autologin" id="autologin" /></label><!-- ENDIF --> <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="{U_PORTAL}" /> <input type="submit" name="login" value="{L_LOGIN}" class="button1" /></p>
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
	<!-- End User Menu -->
then you will get the idea, pretty simple!
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BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
Posts: 173
Joined: 11 Apr 2010, 02:33

Re: example side block for simple portal?

Post by neuropass »

got it thanks!!
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