Coloured background

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BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Joined: 29 May 2010, 14:06

Coloured background

Post by anybloodyid »

This will let your members add a coloured border and background to their posts.

Code: Select all

BBcode usage

HTML replacement
	<td style="padding-left:1cm; padding-right:1cm; padding-top:1cm; padding-bottom:1cm; border: 5px ridge {COLOR};" background=bgimages/{NUMBER}.gif>{TEXT} 

Help Line
[bgcolor]Border_Color, Page_Color,Your Text[/bgcolor]
BBCoder VI
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Re: Coloured background

Post by cisco007 »

got a demo to see what it looks like live!?
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BBCoder II
BBCoder II
Posts: 9
Joined: 29 May 2010, 14:06

Re: Coloured background

Post by anybloodyid »

You can take a look by logging in at
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Just click the forum Poets Cafe and start New Topic click preview to see what it looks like.
If you click Submit don't worry I'll delete it later.