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Post by nicoh »

Hello again! :)

I need reduce the width of the forum name and descripcion and enlarge the width of the last message!

Thanks to everyone for help, and sorry for my English

Last edited by nicoh on 08 Jun 2010, 20:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: forumlist

Post by Stoker »

In prosilver based styles it is done in the content.css file.

The first step is to increase/decrease the width here:

Code: Select all

ul.topiclist dt {
	display: block;
	float: left;
	width: 50%;
	font-size: 1.1em;
	padding-left: 5px;
	padding-right: 5px;
and increase/decrease the width here:

Code: Select all

dd.lastpost {
	width: 25%;
	font-size: 1.1em;
Remember to refresh the theme in ACP.
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BBCoder II
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Re: forumlist

Post by nicoh »

Try changing the settings but I dont work

ul.topiclist dt {
width: 30%;

dd.lastpost {
width: 55%;



The icon of the forum is glued to the title of the item
Last edited by nicoh on 08 Jun 2010, 22:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: forumlist

Post by Stoker »

If you decrease the first one with 20% you can only increase the second with 20%
You did 30% increase.

It will work.
I told you to refresh the theme in ACP after this was done.
Can you conform that this is done?
Also refresh your browser with CTRL + F5
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BBCoder II
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Re: forumlist

Post by nicoh »

This is fixed in overall_header.html

<!-- IF REF_MENUPOSITION == full -->
ul.topiclist dt {width:57%;}
dd.lastpost {width:20%;}
<!-- ENDIF -->

Changing values dd.lastpost and ul.topiclist dt

But the problem of the icon remains

Code: Select all

<!-- BEGIN forumrow -->
	<!-- IF (forumrow.S_IS_CAT and not forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW) or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->

	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT or forumrow.S_FIRST_ROW  or forumrow.S_NO_CAT  -->
	<div class="module-tm png">
<div class="module-tl png">
<div class="module-tr png">
<div class="module png">
		<div class="forabg">
			<ul class="topiclist">
				<li class="header">
					<dl class="icon">
						<dt><!-- IF forumrow.S_IS_CAT --><a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a><!-- ELSE -->{L_FORUM}<!-- ENDIF --></dt>
						<dd class="topics">{L_TOPICS}</dd>
						<dd class="posts">{L_POSTS}</dd>
						<dd class="lastpost"><span>{L_LAST_POST}</span></dd>
			<ul class="topiclist forums">
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF not forumrow.S_IS_CAT -->
		<li class="row">
			<dl class="icon" style="background-image: url({forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_SRC}); background-repeat: no-repeat;">
				<dt title="{forumrow.FORUM_FOLDER_IMG_ALT}">
					<!-- IF forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE --><span class="forum-image">{forumrow.FORUM_IMAGE}</span><!-- ENDIF -->
					<a href="{forumrow.U_VIEWFORUM}" class="forumtitle">{forumrow.FORUM_NAME}</a><br />
					<!-- IF forumrow.MODERATORS -->
						<br /><strong>{forumrow.L_MODERATOR_STR}:</strong> {forumrow.MODERATORS}
					<!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF forumrow.SUBFORUMS and forumrow.S_LIST_SUBFORUMS --><br /><strong>{forumrow.L_SUBFORUM_STR}</strong> {forumrow.SUBFORUMS}<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF forumrow.CLICKS -->
					<dd class="redirect"><span>{L_REDIRECTS}: {forumrow.CLICKS}</span></dd>
				<!-- ELSEIF not forumrow.S_IS_LINK -->
					<dd class="topics">{forumrow.TOPICS} <dfn>{L_TOPICS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="posts">{forumrow.POSTS} <dfn>{L_POSTS}</dfn></dd>
					<dd class="lastpost" <!-- IF forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME -->style=""<!-- ELSE -->style="line-height: 2.3em;"<!-- ENDIF -->><span>
						<!-- IF forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME --><dfn>{L_LAST_POST}</dfn> <!-- IF forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME_SHORT --><a <!-- IF forumrow.ALTT_STYLE_BOLD or forumrow.ALTT_STYLE_ITALIC or forumrow.ALTT_STYLE_ADV -->style="<!-- IF forumrow.ALTT_STYLE_BOLD -->font-weight: bold;<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF forumrow.ALTT_STYLE_ITALIC -->font-style: italic;<!-- ENDIF --> <!-- IF forumrow.ALTT_STYLE_ADV -->{forumrow.ALTT_STYLE_ADV2}<!-- ENDIF -->"<!-- ENDIF --> href="{forumrow.U_ALTT_LINK}" title="{forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME}">{forumrow.ALTT_LINK_NAME_SHORT}</a><br /><!-- ENDIF --> {L_POST_BY_AUTHOR} {forumrow.LAST_POSTER_FULL}
						<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT --><a href="{forumrow.U_LAST_POST}"  <!-- IF forumrow.LAST_TEXT_HOVER -->title="{forumrow.LAST_TEXT_HOVER}"<!-- ENDIF -->> <!-- IF forumrow.LAST_TEXT_HOVER -->{forumrow.LAST_POST_IMG}<!-- ELSE -->{LAST_POST_IMG} <!-- ENDIF --></a> <!-- ENDIF --><br />{forumrow.LAST_POST_TIME}<!-- ELSE -->{L_NO_POSTS}<!-- ENDIF --></span>
				<!-- ENDIF -->
	<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- IF forumrow.S_LAST_ROW -->

	<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- BEGINELSE -->
	<div class="panel">
		<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
		<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<!-- END forumrow -->
Last edited by nicoh on 08 Jun 2010, 22:27, edited 2 times in total.