Bar Title Animated BBCode

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Bar Title Animated BBCode

Post by BBCode Bot »

Bar Title Animated BBCode

Author: Chico Gois
Description: With the Bar Title Animated BBCode you will get Bar Title Animated - Work IE7 & FF


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">
 // *******************************************************************
 // script by drevil_nz, Michael Dillon, Christchurch New Zealand. 
 // Permission granted to use this script provided this credit        
 // remains intact. Visit my homepage
 // Script written for Internet Explorer 4.0+.
 // ******************************************************************* 
 var message="{SIMPLETEXT}"     //specifys the title
 var message=message+"          " //gives a pause at the end,1 space=1 speed unit, here I used 10 spaces@150 each = 1.5seconds. 
 i="0"                                 //declares the variable and sets it to start at 0
 var temptitle=""                 //declares the variable and sets it to have no value yet.
 var speed="150"                  //the delay in milliseconds between letters
 function titler(){
 if (!document.all&&!document.getElementById)
 document.title=temptitle+message.charAt(i)  //sets the initial title
 temptitle=temptitle+message.charAt(i)       //increases the title by one letter
 i++                                            //increments the counter
 if(i==message.length)                            //determines the end of the message
 i="0"                                            //resets the counter at the end of the message
 temptitle=""                                    //resets the title to a blank value
 setTimeout("titler()",speed)                    //Restarts. Remove line for no-repeat.

Code: Select all

[animated]Your Text[/animated]

Code: Select all

[animated]Thanks Chico Gois[/animated]
[animated]Thanks Chico Gois[/animated] Look at the Browser Bar and see the animating title.
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Re: Bar Title Animated BBCode

Post by billoo »

can we make a mod in our forum index so that the main title shows up like this >>>
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Re: Bar Title Animated BBCode

Post by cisco007 »

add the html or javascript to the overall_header.html of your style right before the </head> tag!
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Re: Bar Title Animated BBCode

Post by billoo »

nothing happend the titlle has became biger some odd script is in it and nothing motion like thing there
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Re: Bar Title Animated BBCode

Post by cisco007 »

you must not be doing something right, take a look here i had to make this just for you!