Like button??

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Like button??

Post by Bullseye »

Not sure if I've posted this in the correct section...

Could someone tell me more about the 'like' button (like on facebook) how does it work and is it worth installing, I have members on my forum who are also on facebook, just thought it would be nice if my members could 'like' other members posts on there :)

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Like button??

Post by cisco007 »

never installed it, but have a look! ... ugins/like
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Re: Like button??

Post by Pete »

I have the one in the BETA threads over at It's not so bad really.. it helps build interest to your site from members or guest who might like something on your forums. ... &t=2093379

FB reached like 500 million users recently... Of course take into consideration multiple and dead accounts, but still... it's pretty big site. It really can't hurt. ;)

With that mod, You click on the LIKE button and it will post your website and topic name to your facebook wall. You can even add a coment.
Last edited by Pete on 31 Jul 2010, 12:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Like button??

Post by Bullseye »

I just installed the iframe version, because they said the Xfbml had issues, one of my members 'liked' a topic but it did not show on their wall, is it supposed to?

Apart from that it works fine :)

Just checked and the link was on their wall :)
Last edited by cisco007 on 01 Aug 2010, 03:03, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: merged posts!