Downlink With Star Rating V1

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BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Downlink With Star Rating V1

Post by DannyG »


Here is the modifided "Downlink" BBcode with star rating incorparated with in it.

Author: DannyG

BBCode usage:

Code: Select all

HTML replacement

Code: Select all

<div style="text-align: center;float: left;">
        <td title="Download Here..." onclick="'{URL}', '_blank')"" style="cursor:pointer;"><img src="" alt="" /></td>
        <td title="" onclick="'{URL}', '_blank')"" style="cursor:pointer;"><span onmouseover=" ='#FF0000';" style="font-weight: normal; font-size: 11px; color: #000000; font-family: Arial;" onmouseout="'#000000';"><b>&nbsp;</b></span> </td>
Please Vote...!
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget('25f97bd5-cdfb-4272-9c20-dc45862db5ed');</script><noscript>Get the <a href="">Five-Star Ratings Control</a> widget and many other <a href="">great free widgets</a> at <a href="">Widgetbox</a>! Not seeing a widget? (<a href="">More info</a>)</noscript></div>
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Code: Select all


Version 2 : Coming soon :thumb:

PS Thanks to Steve© for helping with the HTML code.
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BBCoder II
BBCoder II
Posts: 35
Joined: 09 Mar 2010, 12:23

Re: Downlink With Star Rating V1

Post by neptune »

looks amazing good, thx
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BBCoder II
BBCoder II
Posts: 35
Joined: 09 Mar 2010, 12:23

Re: Downlink With Star Rating V1

Post by neptune »

any news?