phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by Steve »

*noted, give me time want be that hard ,might just use a table layout and remove the css value float right; float left;
NAPWR wrote: Nice, Stoker is Hot
BBCoder IV
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by heredia21 »

Thanks a lot! I think it will only be for the better of this style. That is is you decide to release and update to it.
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by Steve »

open styles/glossyblack/template/viewtopic_body.html

Code: Select all

<div class="postbody">
add before:

Code: Select all

		<!-- IF not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->
		<table width="100%"><tr><td style="width:100px;">
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_AVATAR -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><a href="{postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR}">{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}</a><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}<!-- ENDIF --><br />
				<!-- ENDIF -->
			    <dl class="postprofile<!-- IF postrow.S_ONLINE and not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->  online<!-- ELSE --> offline<!-- ENDIF -->" id="profile{postrow.POST_ID}">
				<!-- IF not postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><strong>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}</strong><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}<!-- ENDIF -->

			<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE or postrow.RANK_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK_TITLE}<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE and postrow.RANK_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.RANK_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->


		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_POSTS != '' --><dd><strong>{L_POSTS}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_POSTS}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_JOINED --><dd><strong>{L_JOINED}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_JOINED}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_FROM --><dd><strong>{L_LOCATION}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_FROM}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- IF postrow.S_PROFILE_FIELD1 -->
			<!-- Use a construct like this to include admin defined profile fields. Replace FIELD1 with the name of your field. -->
			<dd><strong>{postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_VALUE}</dd>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->
			<dd><strong>{postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_VALUE}</dd>
		<!-- END custom_fields -->

		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
		<!-- IF postrow.U_PM or postrow.U_EMAIL or postrow.U_WWW or postrow.U_MSN or postrow.U_ICQ or postrow.U_YIM or postrow.U_AIM or postrow.U_JABBER -->
				<ul class="profile-icons">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_PM --><li class="pm-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_PM}" title="{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}"><span>{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_EMAIL --><li class="email-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_EMAIL}" title="{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}"><span>{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WWW --><li class="web-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_WWW}" title="{L_VISIT_WEBSITE}: {postrow.U_WWW}"><span>{L_WEBSITE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_MSN --><li class="msnm-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_MSN}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_MSNM}"><span>{L_MSNM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_ICQ --><li class="icq-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_ICQ}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_ICQ}"><span>{L_ICQ}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_YIM --><li class="yahoo-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_YIM}" onclick="popup(this.href, 780, 550); return false;" title="{L_YIM}"><span>{L_YIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_AIM --><li class="aim-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_AIM}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_AIM}"><span>{L_AIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_JABBER --><li class="jabber-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_JABBER}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_JABBER}"><span>{L_JABBER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT or postrow.U_DELETE or postrow.U_REPORT or postrow.U_WARN or postrow.U_INFO or postrow.U_QUOTE -->
				<ul class="profile-icons" style="float: right;">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT --><li class="edit-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_EDIT}" title="{L_EDIT_POST}"><span>{L_EDIT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_DELETE --><li class="delete-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_DELETE}" title="{L_DELETE_POST}"><span>{L_DELETE_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT --><li class="report-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_REPORT}" title="{L_REPORT_POST}"><span>{L_REPORT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WARN --><li class="warn-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_WARN}" title="{L_WARN_USER}"><span>{L_WARN_USER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_INFO --><li class="info-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_INFO}" title="{L_INFORMATION}"><span>{L_INFORMATION}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_QUOTE --><li class="quote-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_QUOTE}" title="{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}"><span>{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- ENDIF -->
find and delete:

Code: Select all

		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT or postrow.U_DELETE or postrow.U_REPORT or postrow.U_WARN or postrow.U_INFO or postrow.U_QUOTE -->
				<ul class="profile-icons">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT --><li class="edit-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_EDIT}" title="{L_EDIT_POST}"><span>{L_EDIT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_DELETE --><li class="delete-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_DELETE}" title="{L_DELETE_POST}"><span>{L_DELETE_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT --><li class="report-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_REPORT}" title="{L_REPORT_POST}"><span>{L_REPORT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WARN --><li class="warn-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_WARN}" title="{L_WARN_USER}"><span>{L_WARN_USER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_INFO --><li class="info-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_INFO}" title="{L_INFORMATION}"><span>{L_INFORMATION}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_QUOTE --><li class="quote-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_QUOTE}" title="{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}"><span>{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
find and delete:

Code: Select all

		<!-- IF not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->
			    <dl class="postprofile<!-- IF postrow.S_ONLINE and not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->  online<!-- ELSE --> offline<!-- ENDIF -->" id="profile{postrow.POST_ID}">
				<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_AVATAR -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><a href="{postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR}">{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}</a><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}<!-- ENDIF --><br />
				<!-- ENDIF -->
				<!-- IF not postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><strong>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}</strong><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}<!-- ENDIF -->

			<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE or postrow.RANK_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK_TITLE}<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE and postrow.RANK_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.RANK_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->


		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_POSTS != '' --><dd><strong>{L_POSTS}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_POSTS}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_JOINED --><dd><strong>{L_JOINED}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_JOINED}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_FROM --><dd><strong>{L_LOCATION}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_FROM}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- IF postrow.S_PROFILE_FIELD1 -->
			<!-- Use a construct like this to include admin defined profile fields. Replace FIELD1 with the name of your field. -->
			<dd><strong>{postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_VALUE}</dd>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->
			<dd><strong>{postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_VALUE}</dd>
		<!-- END custom_fields -->

		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
		<!-- IF postrow.U_PM or postrow.U_EMAIL or postrow.U_WWW or postrow.U_MSN or postrow.U_ICQ or postrow.U_YIM or postrow.U_AIM or postrow.U_JABBER -->
				<ul class="profile-icons">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_PM --><li class="pm-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_PM}" title="{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}"><span>{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_EMAIL --><li class="email-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_EMAIL}" title="{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}"><span>{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WWW --><li class="web-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_WWW}" title="{L_VISIT_WEBSITE}: {postrow.U_WWW}"><span>{L_WEBSITE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_MSN --><li class="msnm-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_MSN}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_MSNM}"><span>{L_MSNM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_ICQ --><li class="icq-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_ICQ}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_ICQ}"><span>{L_ICQ}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_YIM --><li class="yahoo-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_YIM}" onclick="popup(this.href, 780, 550); return false;" title="{L_YIM}"><span>{L_YIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_AIM --><li class="aim-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_AIM}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_AIM}"><span>{L_AIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_JABBER --><li class="jabber-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_JABBER}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_JABBER}"><span>{L_JABBER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- ENDIF -->
open styles/glossyblack/colours.css

Code: Select all

.postbody {
	color: #333333;
add after:

Code: Select all

	border-top: solid 1px #FFFFFF;
open styles/glossyblack/theme/content.css

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
/* Also see tweaks.css */
margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
min-height: 80px;
color: #666666;
border-right: 1px solid #808080;
width: 22%;
float: left;
display: inline;
replace with:

Code: Select all

.postprofile {
/* Also see tweaks.css */
margin: 5px 0 10px 0;
min-height: 80px;
color: #666666;
width: 100%;
float: none;
display: inline;

Code: Select all

    .postbody {
    padding: 0;
    line-height: 1.48em;
    color: #333333;
    width: 76%;
    float: right;
    clear: both;
replace with:

Code: Select all

    /* Post body styles
    .postbody {
    padding: 0;
    line-height: 1.48em;
    color: #333333;
    width: 100%;
    float: none;
    clear: both;
refresh template and theme we should have this:
NAPWR wrote: Nice, Stoker is Hot
BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by heredia21 »

Wow! looks awesome but can you put the Site-Admin an info to the right of the avatar? it takes up a lot of space.
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by Steve »

replace the first edit with this one and we have it
ive set the width to style="width:100px;" change it to what your boards avatar width size is
here 1st code replacement:

Code: Select all

		<!-- IF not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->
		<table width="100%"><tr><td style="width:100px;">
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_AVATAR -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><a href="{postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR}">{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}</a><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POSTER_AVATAR}<!-- ENDIF --><br />
				<!-- ENDIF -->
			    <dl class="postprofile<!-- IF postrow.S_ONLINE and not postrow.S_IGNORE_POST -->  online<!-- ELSE --> offline<!-- ENDIF -->" id="profile{postrow.POST_ID}">
				<!-- IF not postrow.U_POST_AUTHOR --><strong>{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}</strong><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POST_AUTHOR_FULL}<!-- ENDIF -->

			<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE or postrow.RANK_IMG --><dd>{postrow.RANK_TITLE}<!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE and postrow.RANK_IMG --><br /><!-- ENDIF -->{postrow.RANK_IMG}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->


		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_POSTS != '' --><dd><strong>{L_POSTS}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_POSTS}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_JOINED --><dd><strong>{L_JOINED}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_JOINED}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_FROM --><dd><strong>{L_LOCATION}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_FROM}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- IF postrow.S_PROFILE_FIELD1 -->
			<!-- Use a construct like this to include admin defined profile fields. Replace FIELD1 with the name of your field. -->
			<dd><strong>{postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.PROFILE_FIELD1_VALUE}</dd>
		<!-- ENDIF -->

		<!-- BEGIN custom_fields -->
			<dd><strong>{postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_NAME}:</strong> {postrow.custom_fields.PROFILE_FIELD_VALUE}</dd>
		<!-- END custom_fields -->

		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
		<!-- IF postrow.U_PM or postrow.U_EMAIL or postrow.U_WWW or postrow.U_MSN or postrow.U_ICQ or postrow.U_YIM or postrow.U_AIM or postrow.U_JABBER -->
				<ul class="profile-icons">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_PM --><li class="pm-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_PM}" title="{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}"><span>{L_PRIVATE_MESSAGE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_EMAIL --><li class="email-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_EMAIL}" title="{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}"><span>{L_SEND_EMAIL_USER} {postrow.POST_AUTHOR}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WWW --><li class="web-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_WWW}" title="{L_VISIT_WEBSITE}: {postrow.U_WWW}"><span>{L_WEBSITE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_MSN --><li class="msnm-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_MSN}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_MSNM}"><span>{L_MSNM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_ICQ --><li class="icq-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_ICQ}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_ICQ}"><span>{L_ICQ}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_YIM --><li class="yahoo-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_YIM}" onclick="popup(this.href, 780, 550); return false;" title="{L_YIM}"><span>{L_YIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_AIM --><li class="aim-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_AIM}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_AIM}"><span>{L_AIM}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_JABBER --><li class="jabber-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_JABBER}" onclick="popup(this.href, 550, 320); return false;" title="{L_JABBER}"><span>{L_JABBER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
			<!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT or postrow.U_DELETE or postrow.U_REPORT or postrow.U_WARN or postrow.U_INFO or postrow.U_QUOTE -->
				<ul class="profile-icons" style="float: right;">
					<!-- IF postrow.U_EDIT --><li class="edit-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_EDIT}" title="{L_EDIT_POST}"><span>{L_EDIT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_DELETE --><li class="delete-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_DELETE}" title="{L_DELETE_POST}"><span>{L_DELETE_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_REPORT --><li class="report-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_REPORT}" title="{L_REPORT_POST}"><span>{L_REPORT_POST}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_WARN --><li class="warn-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_WARN}" title="{L_WARN_USER}"><span>{L_WARN_USER}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_INFO --><li class="info-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_INFO}" title="{L_INFORMATION}"><span>{L_INFORMATION}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
					<!-- IF postrow.U_QUOTE --><li class="quote-icon"><a href="{postrow.U_QUOTE}" title="{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}"><span>{L_REPLY_WITH_QUOTE}</span></a></li><!-- ENDIF -->
			<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->
		<!-- ENDIF -->

	<!-- ENDIF -->
NAPWR wrote: Nice, Stoker is Hot
BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
Posts: 179
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by heredia21 »

Perfect I will try this in a few and report back

Update - Can we add a thick border around users info?
Last edited by heredia21 on 21 Aug 2010, 18:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by cisco007 »

can you try to edit you post! and not double post!?
BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by heredia21 »

Done but not he doesnt know that i updated!

How can we put the profile info such as date joined, posts, on the top right hand corner so we can make the whole user info box a lil thinner and just leave the avatar, username and rank on the left side.

Like this

Last edited by heredia21 on 21 Aug 2010, 19:22, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by cisco007 »

i had already posted there that i merged it!
BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
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Re: phpbb3 3.0.7 style Glossyblack

Post by heredia21 »

There are some thing missing like the Online/offline button.
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