Post Stats Page

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Post Stats Page

Post by Stoker »

Title: Post Stats Page

Moved: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=1289
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Re: Post Stats Page

Post by ahh72 »

Spanish translation:

Code: Select all

// Post Stats page by stoker   
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'POSTSTATSPAGE'		=> 'Estadísticas de mensajes',
	'VIEW_POSTSTATS'	=> 'Visualización de la lista de estadísticas de mensajes',
	'POST_SUBJECT'		=> 'Asunto',
	'POST_TIME'		=> 'Publicado el',
	'POSTER_IP'		=> 'IP del remitente',
	'POSTER_ID'		=> 'ID del remitente',
	'FORUM_ID'		=> 'ID del foro',
	'TOPIC_ID'		=> 'ID del tema',
	'POST_ID'		=> 'ID del mensaje',
	'POST_COUNT'		=> '1 mensaje',
	'POSTS_COUNT'		=> '%d mensajes',
Last edited by ahh72 on 20 Jun 2010, 23:14, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Post Stats Page

Post by Stoker »

This attachment has been updated and fixed.
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