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Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 18:58
by Savant
Automod sounds like a huge headache saver. I think I'll abort and try to go that route. But, one more question :oops: In the tutorial it says

" Simply copy them to your forum's root directory (i.e. copy them to overwriting folders when specified by the FTP client.
Note: The develop directory is not needed and is why it is no longer included in the zip file.

After uploading the files, you need to run the install script. You will find it in the /install/ directory.

Updated screenshots for 1.0.0-RC3 are pending. 1.0.0-RC3 adds a new UMIL-based installer, which is simpler than the old installer. Essentially all you should need to do is go to and tell the installer that you wish to install AutoMOD."

I don't have a "", it doesn't exist... I'm unsure where, in my file manager, is analogous to this location. Also, it says to then go to "" and I don't have one of those either... Do you know where I might put automod files within my db so that it's functional and I can initiate the install? Thanks again
mobius wrote:just use automod? this explains it well enough

get it here

read this to understand better if you want to do it manually.

with template inheritance you install for prosilver like normal then apply the RELEVANT change to your other active styles. with automod you can do this automatically by clicking in the installed mod and at the bottom it has an option to apply it to other styles. Manually? it is usually a case of cloning over ( i.e copy and paste) any overall_header/footer.html edits the mods needs to your other styles.

the thing about automod is that it relies on using the FIND to apply edits, other mods can change those finds so you get errors when installing a mod.

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 19:12
by Savant
Oh wow, what a mess. So, it says here on the automod install page that : "If you use the FTP client FileZilla, it will tell you what the proper FTP path is. (I don't know about other clients because FZ is what I use). The path will appear in the "Remote Site" bar.

Otherwise, you can "build" it manually. Sign into FTP with your FTP client, and for every directory you enter, note it.

So I start at the root
Enter the "domains" directory
Enter the "" directory
And finally "public_html"

That would be my proper FTP path."

Yet, there are discrepancies with the contents of my public_html folder and what they seem to think should be there. For example I have NO "umil" folder, and my "store" folder in my public_html dir did not have a "mods" subfolder like the automod people seem to think it ought to have. Any input here?

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 19:24
by mobius
did you use a fantisco/cpanel script to install your forum? if yes then i suggest installing it manually, use the info provided at to do that.

after you upload the contents of the automod /upload folder to you FORUM root, merging the folder contents then you go the the install directory in your browser.

so if i would use this link to visit you forum index page


i would just do this


literally, go to you index page then in the address bar remove index.php******* and type install/

then follow the instructions.

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 19:42
by Savant
Haha, yes I did use the cpanel script to install it. So, I'm assuming you're recommendation was to install AUTOMOD manually, not the actual MOD? None of those URLs work when I put my domain in and and name a folder etc. or to "install" etc. I suppose I'll just look for the manual install instructions and attempt to follow those... I really appreciate your help/patience.

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 20:09
by Savant
UPDATE: FINALLY got autoMOD on!!! Thanks again for all your help and patience. Now hopefully this MOD will be a lot less complicated... :D

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 20:47
by Savant
I have the thing installed now, it's just not opening the manual topstat installer that I have to run which is at /install_top_stats.php , which doesn't actually exist. So, when I find that file and put it in the dir manually and try to open it it gives me an error: "Language file ./language/en_us/mods/umil_top_stats_install.php couldn't be opened." LOLwut? Oh, well I'm getting closer at least (I think...)

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 21:15
by Savant
So, just to document my issue here when I manually put the top stats install php file into the root dir of my web root I get error messages "Warning: include(./common.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/occiden2/public_html/root/install_top_stats.php on line 18

Warning: include(./common.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/occiden2/public_html/root/install_top_stats.php on line 18

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './common.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/occiden2/public_html/root/install_top_stats.php on line 18

Fatal error: Call to a member function session_begin() on a non-object in /home/occiden2/public_html/root/install_top_stats.php on line 20"

I have NO idea what this means or what I can do about it, but perhaps someone else does...

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 01:55
by Savant
Ok, so from what I can tell, this whole mod is installed fine, and the only issue I'm having is being able to run the php install file. Does anyone know how I can do that perhaps through cPanel or anything? When I open the file in a browser it simply gives me the code, when I place the file in a dir like /root and navigate to it with my browser it gives me the error message I posted above. I JUST need to figure out how to run this php final install file and I think I'll be okay. Thanks in advance.

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 02:34
by Savant
Okay, just for purposes of documentation and if someone else has this problem- I FINALLY got that SOB to install. I reinstalled with autoMOD but I finally figured out that autoMOD kept putting the file here: /public_html/store/mods/Top_Stats_1.0.8/root/language/en/mods/umil_top_stats_install.php

Yet it kept looking for (a different) php install file here: ./language/en_us/mods/umil_top_stats_install.php. So, I searched for THIS install file and put it in the dir where autoMOD was looking for it, and it installed.

LOL, okay NOW the issue I'm having is that it appears to have put MORE files in inappropriate places. For example in ACP I'm now getting this error message: "Cannot find module ./../includes/acp/acp_topstats.php"

I'll keep trying to trudge through this crap so hopefully I'm the last person who has to go thru all this nonsense.

Compatibility with other styles?

Posted: 18 Jan 2012, 02:47
by Savant
Ok, now I've put acp_topstats.php in includes/acp and it's giving me the error message: "template->_tpl_load_file(): File ./style/acp_topstats.html does not exist or is empty"

Any suggestions now?