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Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 21 May 2010, 14:24
by Mario14125
You can also do it like this:

Code: Select all

#----------[ OPEN ]----------


#----------[ FIND ]----------

       <!-- IF not S_PRIVMSGS and S_NEW_MESSAGE --><!-- IF U_TOPIC_SEO_DESC -->   
   <dl style="clear: left;">
        <dt><label for="seo_desc">{L_TOPIC_SEO_DESCRIPTION}:</label></dt>
        <dd><textarea name="seo_desc" id="seo_desc" rows="3" cols="30"  class="inputbox">{SEO_DESC}</textarea></dd>
    </dl><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF U_TOPIC_SEO_KEY -->
    <dl style="clear: left;">
        <dt><label for="seo_key">{L_TOPIC_SEO_KEYWORDS}:</label><br />{L_TOPIC_SEO_KEY_EXPLAIN}</dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="seo_key" id="seo_key" size="80" value="{SEO_KEY}" maxlength="255" class="inputbox autowidth" /></dd>
      <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->

#----------[ REPLACE WITH ]----------

       <!-- IF not S_PRIVMSGS and S_NEW_MESSAGE --><!-- IF U_TOPIC_SEO_DESC -->   
   <dl style="clear: left;">
        <dt><label for="seo_desc">{L_TOPIC_SEO_DESCRIPTION}:</label></dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="seo_desc" id="seo_desc" size="45" value="{SEO_DESC}" maxlength="255" class="inputbox autowidth" /></dd>
    </dl><!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF U_TOPIC_SEO_KEY -->
    <dl style="clear: left;">
        <dt><label for="seo_key">{L_TOPIC_SEO_KEYWORDS}:</label></dt>
        <dd><input type="text" name="seo_key" id="seo_key" size="45" value="{SEO_KEY}" maxlength="255" class="inputbox autowidth" /></dd>
      <!-- ENDIF --><!-- ENDIF -->
In my opinion it looks better :)

In me is the increased length of the field from 45 to 120 so you can see the difference :)

And one more thing, is there any chance that the description of the topic was shown in viewforum :?:

Just as in this modification: ... 0&t=810455


Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 22 May 2010, 15:44
by cisco007
what you are asking has nothing to do with the Topic SEO mod, you are asking about another mod!
The Topic SEO mod, is something completely different.

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 22 May 2010, 16:38
by Mario14125
er not? modification occurs in the field "description of the topic", so it would be available also in viewforum description, as in this modification...

Unless something can be adapted to the modification

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 22 May 2010, 19:40
by Georgio
Steve© » 01 May 2010, 21:44 wrote:only if you have added the Add_meta in the overall_header.html for Forum SEO
if so use this in the overall_header.html

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewforum" -->{FORUM_SEO_KEY}<!-- ELSE -->{TOPIC_SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
<meta name="description" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewforum" -->{FORUM_SEO_DESC}<!-- ELSE -->{TOPIC_SEO_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
has you said me before, i do it, but i want to update the MOD so i have in my overall_header.html the above code and the 1.0.1 version sais:
Open: styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewtopic" -->{TOPIC_SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
<meta name="description" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewtopic" -->{TOPIC_SEO_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
Replace with

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- IF SEO_KEY -->{SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
<meta name="description" content="<!-- IF SEO_DESC -->{SEO_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
in my overall header i have:

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- IF SEO_KEY -->{SEO_KEY}<!-- ELSE -->{TOPIC_SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
<meta name="description" content="<!-- IF SEO_DESC -->{SEO_DESC}<!-- ELSE -->{TOPIC_SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
so ... i'm lost now... what i supose to do; i remeber you that i allready hace the forum seo mod installed with the meta tag addon.

i think the good code will be:

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewforum" -->{FORUM_SEO_KEY}<!-- ELSE -->{SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
<meta name="description" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewforum" -->{FORUM_SEO_DESC}<!-- ELSE -->{SEO_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
but i'm not 100% sure :evil: :roll:

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 22 May 2010, 20:53
by Mario14125
I do not mean to... I mean to post typed description of the topic of this modification to the viewforum...

Imagine that when a new topic, enter writing a description of the topic seo: This mod is still under development
Description does not appear anywhere except the page source: <meta name="description" content="This mod is still under development" />
And now I want to make this description appeared in viewforum, as in the image: ... piccd1.jpg

Is it possible :?: :evil:

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 01:16
by cisco007
if there is already a mod for that, why don't you just install that one?

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 13:36
by Georgio
can anyone help me with my problem please?

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 13:39
by cisco007
Georgio, have you read the entire first post? including the FAQ's?

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 13:55
by Mario14125
But do you understand me? What I mean is that I want by typing in a word description of thread topics description of the topic was presented in viewforum and instructions there is no such thing, so my question is if anyone that has adapted to the modification of this model which showed that the descriptions of the subjects were shown in viewforum...

Re: Topic SEO

Posted: 23 May 2010, 14:19
by cisco007
I have been trying to answer that will be a different mod, if and when the author decides to do that it will be up to him, this was just meant to be more or less for SEO purposes!