Topic SEO

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Topic SEO

Post by Steve »

Title: Topic SEO
Author: Steve©
Mod version: 1.0.1
Supported PhpBB3 Version: 3.0.7 PL
Support: This topic.
Styles supported: prosilver & subsilver2.

Credits: Stoker for letting me look at his Forum SEO mod to see how to get this to work in the php,also helping me keep the mod seo friendly.Cisc007 for helping me test it and giving some valid input and ideas.Umil creation team for the example installer to runs sql entrys and showing me how to create permissions.

Description: Topic SEO for phpBB3 description and keywords mod is the the topic title recreated but made to be SEO efficient, not only adding more content and seperated keywords on the 1st post of your topics page but also adds the description and keywords in your meta tags which is used by most search engines to help get your site indexed better.Permissions are set in admin to only allow certain user groups to use Topic SEO description and keywords mod.Used wisely Stoker says this could be a powerfull SEO mod!

Notes:This mod requires database changes in order to do this you need to run the umil installer, and file edits.Instructions for core file edits, prosilver template edits and manual instructions are found in the un zipped and instructions for subsilver2 are found in /Topic_SEO/contrib/subsilver2.xml folder. Or use automod if automod should fail,you must force the install and manually do the edits missed.

Screenshots prosilver:
Screenshots subsilver2:
Screenshot admin:

But i also use Forum SEO & Index SEO
Ok we are going to have a problem, you will have to force the install if using automod.
Now double check that you have this in both prosilver and subsilver2,s overall_header.html

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- IF SEO_KEY -->{SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
<meta name="description" content="<!-- IF SEO_DESC -->{SEO_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
older version 1.0.0. [spoiler]left inplace if you want to completely uninstall this version and use the newer version above.
NAPWR wrote: Nice, Stoker is Hot
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Re: Topic SEO description and keywords mod.

Post by cisco007 »

great release Steve!
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by Stoker »

In use here, great job Steve :thumb:
I allowed myself to change the title to something shorter :D
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by Georgio »

looks nice, but before i install it i have a question:
I have already forum seo; ¿there is no conflicts?
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by Steve »

only if you have added the Add_meta in the overall_header.html for Forum SEO
if so use this in the overall_header.html

Code: Select all

<meta name="keywords" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewforum" -->{FORUM_SEO_KEY}<!-- ELSE -->{TOPIC_SEO_KEY}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
<meta name="description" content="<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME == "viewforum" -->{FORUM_SEO_DESC}<!-- ELSE -->{TOPIC_SEO_DESC}<!-- ENDIF -->" />
NAPWR wrote: Nice, Stoker is Hot
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by Georgio »

thanks a lot Stevee :D


i finish the edits; works greate! 8-)
Screen1: Topic SEO desc on create/edit post.
Screen1: Topic SEO desc on create/edit post.
Screen2: SEO keywords
Screen2: SEO keywords
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by Fire-Fox »

Great mod Steve© :)
Last edited by Fire-Fox on 02 May 2010, 11:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by plasmino »

great steve©
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by artikkk »

Code: Select all

Topic SEO
PHP Version: 5.2.9
DBMS: MySQL 4.1.22-standard-log
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.7-PL1

Aggiunta di una nuova colonna denominata topic_seo_desc nella tabella avphpbb_topics
SQL ERROR Table 'my_pronosky.avavphpbb_topics' doesn't exist

Aggiunta di una nuova colonna denominata topic_seo_key nella tabella avphpbb_topics
SQL ERROR Table 'my_pronosky.avavphpbb_topics' doesn't exist
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Re: Topic SEO

Post by Steve »

Have you browsed to your site and run the installer ?
now browse to and run the installer .Dont forget to DELETE or rename this file from your server.
NAPWR wrote: Nice, Stoker is Hot