Topic SEO
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You dont have to use ModX or make your mod AutoMod compatible. A simple textfile is fine
But if you post Mods here You also have to give support
Re: Topic SEO
Yes it will.
It is very similiar to what I want to do. I wanted the Price on one line then the subject on the other. Two different input boxes. Something like topic seo but make it required on some forums.
It is very similiar to what I want to do. I wanted the Price on one line then the subject on the other. Two different input boxes. Something like topic seo but make it required on some forums.
Last edited by cisco007 on 27 Aug 2010, 19:49, edited 1 time in total.
#1 BlackBerry News site - BlackBerry Empire. Come visit us!
- Steve
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Re: Topic SEO
Then you will have to post in phpBB3 support requesting what you want, and it will be as and when i have time to do it.heredia21 » 27 Aug 2010, 17:48 wrote:Yes it will.
It is very similiar to what I want to do. I wanted the Price on one line then the subject on the other. Two different input boxes. Something like topic seo but make it required on some forums.
*off topic
I have seen you have not removed my styles copywrite this week so will post how to fix online user image in my styles thread.
* next version
And for other members, Topic SEO 1.0.3 will include a moderator,s admin and permissions set for registered users a button to mark certian posts off topic ( hidden for search engines ) ,and include post tags.
Re: Topic SEO
Thank you. can you just split my post to the request?
#1 BlackBerry News site - BlackBerry Empire. Come visit us!
Re: Topic SEO
I made a little extra field, a page title field, so your page title is not the same as the topic title...
Re: Topic SEO
Is now compatible with the SEO Dynamic meta tags?
- Steve
- BBCoder VI
- Posts: 853
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- BBCodes: 2000
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Re: Topic SEO
do what ?demon » 01 Sep 2010, 20:35 wrote:I made a little extra field, a page title field, so your page title is not the same as the topic title...
have a look at the overall_header.html edit for the meta tags for that mod ,keywords and description and give the html code.Ælly wrote:Is now compatible with the SEO Dynamic meta tags?
Re: Topic SEO
Like i said, the field can make the page title different then the topic title, and yes, it has a purpose..Steve© » 01 Sep 2010, 21:51 wrote:do what ?demon » 01 Sep 2010, 20:35 wrote:I made a little extra field, a page title field, so your page title is not the same as the topic title...
Lets your running a car forum and you made a topic about the newest Porsche car, the topic title will be something like "talk about the newest Porsche car!" its nice and readable for the users, but search engines don't have much on that kind a title, that's where the page title jumps in! In the page title you can put the most important keywords like "Porsche|Cayman|news|..." or you could do it like:" News about the new Porsche Cayman".
In short:
You can target your topic at certain keywords so your forum topic can rank better on those keywords, and you keep the topic title readable for the normal users
The same can be done with (sub)forums
See ... -guide.pdf
from the end of page 2.
Re: Topic SEO
Here Steve
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