Highslide Issue with IE9+

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InTempest [Offline]
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Highslide Issue with IE9+

Post by InTempest »

Hey stroker. Love the mods.

So i'm working on a small project and am using the improved highslidejs which btw i absolutly love.

But i'll get to the point. I found a issue that i'm not sure you've come across or not.

I was previewing my site on firefox, then decided to check it on internet explorer. And this happened
Highslide isn't doing anything. IE asks if you want to save or open the file. So i wasn't sure if there was a script or code that could be added to bypass this quirk of IE or not. I didn't see anything else in the forums so i thought i'd say something.
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Highslide Issue with IE9+

Post by Stoker »

I have no problem viewing highslide images using IE9. Or any other browser I have testet.
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InTempest [Offline]
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Highslide Issue with IE9+

Post by InTempest »

humm... Wonder why it's coming up for me like this. Maybe it's just a setting i need to find and adjust on my end.

And again... Love the mods.

Ever think of making a version of highslide that works better on mobile? When i view on my android the background and image aren't lined up the way they are on a desktop. Not a biggy since it's on a phone and most ppl wouldn't notice. I'm just trying to tweak everything for this site.