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BBCoder I
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Joined: 11 Mar 2014, 18:47
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Post by jonnyontheroad »

Hey, I'm Jonny. I'm building a phpBB3 forum and learning everything as I go. And I mean everything. Starting from scratch, so I wouldn't have been able to do it without leaning heavily on most of you! :) So thanks for your help so far, and in advance...
BBCoder I
BBCoder I
Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Mar 2014, 18:47
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Post by jonnyontheroad »

I'm using phpBB3 3.0.12 with prosilver theme.

A couple of questions I have to start:

1. I want to change the theme but I have some mods installed (phpBB Topic Tagging, ACP Announcement Center) and have made some code edits to the theme template. Is there an easy way to change between themes and update the mods/style changes?

2. How do I test changes without affecting the actual forum? As I mentioned, I'm a newbie here. I tried creating a new url extension and installing a new database there by copying all of the files from the original forum in CPanel; but when I tried changing the theme in the "test" forum, it made the same changes in the original!

I hope this makes sense. I find myself at the point frequently where I don't know what words or terms to use to make myself understood. Any help is much appreciated!
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