need help with mod (welcome on index)

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need help with mod (welcome on index)

Post by allen62 »

i need a little help
i am trying to install
everything done
mod is working fine bt there is a little color
problem ..

see background color border is like my style
bt background color is whaite and text color is
also white..
i am using style ca black
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need help with mod (welcome on index)

Post by allen62 »

see text is also white any solution plz tell me ... thanx.
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need help with mod (welcome on index)

Post by Stoker »

You need to adapt the mod to the style you are using. The mod only support prosilver.
I dont have edits for all the styles there is.
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need help with mod (welcome on index)

Post by allen62 »

i am using ca black prosilver based style .... i try this mod on other styles this mod works fine on other styles and looks like style theme ... bt in my style border is like my style bt background is white and textvis white too
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need help with mod (welcome on index)

Post by Sniper_E »

allen62, you may have to customize most all of the mods out there that you install to match that dark style.
If you can't change text and background colors then you might be best going with a more conventional style.
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need help with mod (welcome on index)

Post by Oyabun1 »

Download, backup, and open styles/ca_black/template/index_body.html


Code: Select all

<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
<div class="forabg">
         <div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
         <ul class="topiclist">
            <li class="header">
               <dl class="icon">
                  <dt>{L_WELCOME_TO_MOD} {SITENAME}</dt>
         <ul class="topiclist forums">
               <dd style="padding:5px; text-align: center; border:none;">
               <!-- IF USER_AVATAR -->{USER_AVATAR}<!-- ELSE --><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/no_avatar.gif" alt="" /><!-- ENDIF -->
               <dd class="lastpost" style="padding:5px; width:40%;">
               <span><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<br />{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ELSE -->{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><br /><br />{S_JOINED_DATE}<br />{MEMBER_FOR}<!-- ENDIF --></span>
               <dd class="lastpost" style="padding:5px; width:36%;"><span>{TOTAL_POSTS} &bull; {TOTAL_TOPICS}<br />{TOTAL_USERS}<br />{NEWEST_USER}
               <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ONLINE_LIST --><br /><br />{TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE} ({L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN})<!-- ENDIF --></span>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Replace with

Code: Select all

<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
<div class="forabg">
         <ul class="topiclist">
            <li class="header">
               <dl class="icon">
                  <dt>{L_WELCOME_TO_MOD} {SITENAME}</dt>
         <ul class="topiclist">
               <dd style="padding:5px; text-align: center; border:none;">
               <!-- IF USER_AVATAR -->{USER_AVATAR}<!-- ELSE --><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/no_avatar.gif" alt="" /><!-- ENDIF -->
               <dd class="lastpost" style="padding:5px; width:40%;">
               <span><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN -->{LAST_VISIT_DATE}<br />{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ELSE -->{CURRENT_TIME}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><br /><br />{S_JOINED_DATE}<br />{MEMBER_FOR}<!-- ENDIF --></span>
               <dd class="lastpost" style="padding:5px; width:36%;"><span>{TOTAL_POSTS} &bull; {TOTAL_TOPICS}<br />{TOTAL_USERS}<br />{NEWEST_USER}
               <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_ONLINE_LIST --><br /><br />{TOTAL_USERS_ONLINE} ({L_ONLINE_EXPLAIN})<!-- ENDIF --></span>
<!-- ENDIF -->
Save, upload, and refresh the CA Black templates component in the ACP.

(it's only actually changes to 3 lines, but probably less chance of errors to replace the whole block added by the MOD. ;) )