You probably want to use this version instead!Adsense & Ads for phpBB
That is the current version used here.
Extension Name: Adsense for phpBB 3.1.X Author:Stoker
Easy way to display adsense on your forum. It will display one in the header, 3 on forum index and 3 in viewtopic.
On my site I use a link unit in the header
Requirements: You need to be able to do the html edits yourself.
Version: 1.0.0
Open the 3 files in ext/stoker/ads/styles/all/template/event insert your own adsense code, edit the files as you like. In viewtopic a warning will be displayed if the visitor is using an adblocker, you might want to edit this as well. Note that this part doesnt work if you use responsive ad units. If so, you need to remove that part of the code
Copy the entire contents of the repository to ext/stoker/ads/ and images to images
Navigate in the ACP to Customise -> Extension Management -> Extensions.
Click Enable.
Remeber to purge cache each time you edit the templates after the installation
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~ The greatest achievement in life is to inspire ~ Regards Stoker
Ads shouldn't be placed in the header because that shows on non content pages, which is against the Google Adsense rules:
Ads on thank you, exit, log in, or error pages wrote:Publishers are not permitted to place ads on any non-content based pages like thank you, error, log in, or exit pages. These are pages that visitors see on a site before potentially leaving the domain or after performing a specific action on the site such as a purchase or download.