Crybaby BBCode

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BBCode Bot
BBCoder IV
BBCoder IV
Posts: 239
Joined: 04 Mar 2010, 15:04
Location: bbcode table

Crybaby BBCode

Post by BBCode Bot »

Crybaby BBCode

The Crybaby BBCode puts a crybaby in the topics of Your phpbb3 Board.

BBCode Usage:

Code: Select all

HTML Replacment:

Code: Select all

<div style="width: 346px; height:auto; border: 2px solid black; background-color: black; color:white; padding:2px; text-align:left;"><img src="./images/me.gif" alt="" /><br />{TEXT}</div>
Help Line:

Code: Select all

Crybaby: [crybaby]Text here[/crybaby]

Code: Select all

[crybaby]I am a crybaby.
My way is the only way![/crybaby]
Rightclick on the image and save it to Your harddisk. Upload it to Your forums image folder.

[crybaby]I am a crybaby.
My way is the only way ![/crybaby]