[FINAL]phpbb.com style menu

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[FINAL]phpbb.com style menu

Post by cisco007 »

First of all this menu is modified to prosilver style i might add images and stuff for prosilver_se style!
Before posting any questions please remember to read the installation instructions, I have made it into a MODX file, i cannot guarantee that it will work with AUTOMOD!
Read the instructions three times if you have to in order to install it correctly! If you do not know how to install stuff like this click the link on my sig! without furthere ado, here it is!


Authors: Cisco007 & DoYouSpeakWak??

I have modified it even more to work with hardcoded phpbb path links!

extract contents of archive open the install_mod.xml file in you favorite browser or right click and open with whatever browser you are using, read the instructions and install!
there are only three edits! I have also added Spanish language variables to it so if you do install it with automod you might get errors that you do not have language/es/ available!

once again I suggest you look carefully at the way the links are added to the overall_header.html file, that way you get and Idea of how they are structured, I also explain this on the DIY instruction on the xml file!

if you find any errors, please feel free to post them! but if they are not errors and they are your mistakes i will just point and laugh :lol:

phpbb.com menu.rar

1. You should also put the link descriptions in the lang file
[spoiler]this is referring to the part in red
<p><a href="{U_FAQ}?mode=rules">Please read some of the sites rules</a></p>
those are merely my own descriptions, you can always add your own link descriptions to suit your site, and also to translate to what you wish![/spoiler]
2. How do add more links!
[spoiler]Well first of all you will need to go download this Buttons menu mod psd's use the .psd included with the mod to create your own link name!
then you will have to add the image to the navigation.css file like so

Code: Select all

.but-arcade span { background: transparent none 0 0 no-repeat;}
Add after:

Code: Select all

.but-nameofmylink span { background: transparent none 0 0 no-repeat;}

Code: Select all

#navbar li.but-arcade  { width: 71px; }
Add after:

Code: Select all

#navbar li.but-nameofmylink  { width: 71px; }
-adjust the width according to the size of your link button

Code: Select all

.but-arcade span { background: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/menu/arcade.gif"); }
Add after:

Code: Select all

.but-nameofmylink span { background: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/menu/nameofmylink.gif"); }
then depending on where you want it to show up on the navigation bar find any

Code: Select all

Add after:

Code: Select all

<li class="but-nameofmylink"><a href="pathtolink"><span></span>nameofmylink</a></li>
3. Some of the links are not working or I get an error!
[spoiler]Some of those links are mere references, if you do not have those mods installed you will either have to remove the link or add the mod/or file for that particular link. A link with a /foldername/ only will not work unless the folder has some kind of index type file on it, or pointed directly to the file like /foldername/about.php![/spoiler]
4. I have mchat installed and after installing this menu the smilies don't work!
[spoiler]It might have to do with the jquery that is being use by both mods, try this see if it works,


Code: Select all

	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scripts.js"></script>
Replace with:

Code: Select all

	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scripts.js"></script>
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by heredia21 »

How will it look if we have sidemenu installed?
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by Stoker »

Very nice work cisco.
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by cisco007 »

heredia21 » 10 Apr 2010, 05:38 wrote:How will it look if we have sidemenu installed?
well i might shrink up the menu, you will have to install it and see how it will look, you might have to maybe remove some links from the menu to make it fit!

And thanks Stoker!
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by Stoker »

I am testing this on local host, I found a bug. The second overall_header.html edit have 1 </div> to much at the end.

Also there is 2 things about the language file edit.
1. You are using entries that allready exist in ucp.php
2. You should also put the link descriptions in the lang file.
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by cisco007 »

you are correct about the extra </div> i thought i had removed it! I will update the xml in a bit!
About the ucp language edits, i had to do it that what because i tested it for a bit, but the language string would only show when you were actually in the UCP.php in order for them to show throughout the board i had to add the language edits!

[edit]Updated archive, the only difference is that on the second overall_header.html edit as pointed out by Stoker, there is and extra </div> just remove it if you have any problems with the way the site looks after installing this![/edit]
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by heredia21 »

So i got this installed www.blackberryempire.com. But my banner dissappeared what do I do?
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by cisco007 »

did you backup your overall_header.html file, if so how did you have the header added to it, and was it a custom image!?
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by heredia21 »

I just added the header in navigation. How do I center it? I cant seem to get the Home icon to be the first one. Check out the way it looks.
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Re: phpbb.com style menu

Post by heredia21 »

How do I delete the Chat box and move the Home image to be the first one in the menu
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