topic links doesnt work

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BBCoder I
BBCoder I
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topic links doesnt work

Post by ayhun »

Hi guys
I m having problem with my forum,promlem is my forum main page is working but none of the topic links doest work.i had have copy of my forum i restored it back but didnt help at all.What you guys think about it? this is the forum that i m having problem

thanks a lot
BBCoder VI
BBCoder VI
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Re: topic links doesnt work

Post by cisco007 »

seems like you get a blank page, why don't you check any edits you have done recently to the language files, specially the common.php and the viewtopic.php!

also purge your cache in admin control panel, you can also use your ftp client > goto the root of your forum on your server (that hosts your web-site) root > cache >
delete all files with in that folder EXCEPT ,these 2 files
.htaccess and index.htm

also read this topic: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=65&p=65
Last edited by Steve on 30 Apr 2010, 00:43, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Steve added some more help.