Good morning
I am new to the forum
I had a request for help
I have a small forum phpbb3 (3.0.6) installed with portal (1.2.2)
I adapted a modified style based on Softbrown (some differences with the prosilver style)
Comment. This is the aspect of index.php
You can see the frame
But this is the aspect of my portal (portal.php)
It not appear the frame.
I have to make a change in style for a one portal file, but I don't know what
An example that works
The Cine-Clasico portal (great Spanish Forum) looks like this
Please anyone tell me what I have to change the code?
Frame in Portal Forums
Forum rules
In order the get any support, you will have to do following:
1. Use a describing title!
2. Describe your problem and what happened when the problem occured
3. Tell us what version of phpBB3 you are currently using.
Else your topic may be ignored or locked!
In order the get any support, you will have to do following:
1. Use a describing title!
2. Describe your problem and what happened when the problem occured
3. Tell us what version of phpBB3 you are currently using.
Else your topic may be ignored or locked!
Frame in Portal Forums
Support data:
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost
Re: Frame in Portal Forums
Support data:
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost
Re: Frame in Portal Forums
have you guys uploaded the theme to your server? and refreshed the template / theme ?
Re: Frame in Portal Forums
The problem is that I have to change the border of the chat, because the default installed (mChat) the edge will not do
The same with the portal. The edges do not create them as I have in the index.php
I have to manually change lines of code. But i don't know where. Lines of code in FTP syle (in my case a modification of Softbrown style (prosilver)
I was watching this topic ... 5&start=75
to see if I find the edge of mChat
The same with the portal. The edges do not create them as I have in the index.php
I have to manually change lines of code. But i don't know where. Lines of code in FTP syle (in my case a modification of Softbrown style (prosilver)
I was watching this topic ... 5&start=75
to see if I find the edge of mChat
Support data:
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost
Re: Frame in Portal Forums
do you have a link to your site so i can see what it looks like and maybe i can check something!
Re: Frame in Portal Forums
I I have solved some of the blocks
Christian 2.0 help me in
This is the code that he told me
But i have problems with the "News Block"
This is
My forum is
I have change in the index mChat too
phpbb 3.0.6
I do It!
I only need the table mChat
I I have solved some of the blocks
Christian 2.0 help me in
This is the code that he told me
Code: Select all
<div class="forabg">
<div class="inner">
<span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<ul class="topiclist">
<li class="header"><dl><dt>your title here</dt></dl></li>
<ul class="topiclist forums">
<li class="row" style="padding: 5px;">Your content here, blah blah blah blah blah</li>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
This is
Code: Select all
<!-- $Id: news.html,v 1.1 2008/02/09 08:18:16 angelside Exp $ //-->
<!-- BEGIN news_row -->
<!-- IF news_row.S_NO_TOPICS -->
<center><span class="gensmall"><strong>{L_NO_NEWS}</strong></span></center>
<!-- ELSE -->
<div class="post bg2">
<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<div class="postbody postbody_portal">
<h4 class="first">{news_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG}<!-- IF news_row.S_POLL --> <strong>{L_POLL}: </strong><!-- ENDIF --><a href="{news_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS}"><strong>{news_row.TITLE}</strong></a></h4>
<ul class="linklist">
<li>{L_POSTED_BY}: <strong><a href="{news_row.U_USER_PROFILE}">{news_row.POSTER}</a></strong></li>
<li class="rightside">{news_row.TIME}</li>
<br />
<div class="content">{news_row.TEXT}</div><br />
<span style="float: left;">{L_TOPIC_VIEWS}: {news_row.TOPIC_VIEWS} • <a href="{news_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS}" title="{L_VIEW_COMMENTS}">{L_COMMENTS}: {news_row.REPLIES}</a> • <a href="{news_row.U_POST_COMMENT}">{L_POST_REPLY}</a></span>
<span style="float: right;">{news_row.OPEN}<a href="{news_row.U_READ_FULL}">{news_row.L_READ_FULL}</a>{news_row.CLOSE}</span>
<div class="back2top"><a href="#wrap" class="top" title="{L_BACK_TO_TOP}">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a></div>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<hr class="divider" />
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF news_row.S_NOT_LAST --><!--<br />--><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END news_row -->
I have change in the index mChat too
phpbb 3.0.6
I do It!
Code: Select all
<!-- $Id: news.html,v 1.1 2008/02/09 08:18:16 angelside Exp $ //-->
<div class="forabg">
<div class="inner">
<span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<ul class="topiclist">
<li class="header"><dl><dt>{L_LATEST_NEWS}</dt></dl></li>
<ul class="topiclist forums">
<li class="row" style="padding: 5px;">
<!-- BEGIN news_row -->
<!-- IF news_row.S_NO_TOPICS -->
<center><span class="gensmall"><strong>{L_NO_NEWS}</strong></span></center>
<!-- ELSE -->
<div class="post bg2">
<div class="inner"><span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<div class="postbody postbody_portal">
<h4 class="first">{news_row.ATTACH_ICON_IMG}<!-- IF news_row.S_POLL --> <strong>{L_POLL}: </strong><!-- ENDIF --><a href="{news_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS}"><strong>{news_row.TITLE}</strong></a></h4>
<ul class="linklist">
<li>{L_POSTED_BY}: <strong><a href="{news_row.U_USER_PROFILE}">{news_row.POSTER}</a></strong></li>
<li class="rightside">{news_row.TIME}</li>
<br />
<div class="content">{news_row.TEXT}</div><br />
<span style="float: left;">{L_TOPIC_VIEWS}: {news_row.TOPIC_VIEWS} • <a href="{news_row.U_VIEW_COMMENTS}" title="{L_VIEW_COMMENTS}">{L_COMMENTS}: {news_row.REPLIES}</a> • <a href="{news_row.U_POST_COMMENT}">{L_POST_REPLY}</a></span>
<span style="float: right;">{news_row.OPEN}<a href="{news_row.U_READ_FULL}">{news_row.L_READ_FULL}</a>{news_row.CLOSE}</span>
<div class="back2top"><a href="#wrap" class="top" title="{L_BACK_TO_TOP}">{L_BACK_TO_TOP}</a></div>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span></div>
<hr class="divider" />
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF news_row.S_NOT_LAST --><!--<br />--><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- END news_row --></li>
<span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span>
Support data:
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost
Versión phpBB: 3.0.9
MODs Instalados: easy resizer, genders mod, mchat
Plantilla(s) usada(s): Softbrown modificado
Servidor: bythehost