Hello, can someone tell me how to create a IGN video bbcode for my phpb33 forum?
this is the website: http://uk.ign.com/
I need the BBCode, The HTML and the helpline please...
ps: sorry if this is already posted on forum, but I searched and didnt see anything
IGN video bbcode request
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Re: IGN video bbcode request
this is the best i could do, pay close attention!
bbcode usage:
html replacement:
http://ciscoasite.zapto.org/testsite/vi ... p=350#p350
to achieve this look at the video url carefully!
bbcode usage:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
<object id='vid_{NUMBER}' width='480' height='270' data='http://media.ign.com/ev/embed.swf' type='application/x-shockwave-flash'><param name='movie' value='http://media.ign.com/ev/embed.swf' /><param name='allowfullscreen' value='true' /><param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always' /><param name='bgcolor' value='#000000' /><param name='flashvars' value='vgroup={SIMPLETEXT}&object={NUMBER}'/></object>
Code: Select all
[ign]number after objects/ and letters between videos/ and .html[/ign]
Code: Select all
to achieve this look at the video url carefully!
you will use the red and the green part!http://wii.ign.com/dor/objects/872155/the-legend-of-zelda-skyward-sword/videos/e310_zelda_full_trl_061510.html
Re: IGN video bbcode request
thanks a lot for the tutorial...you helped me a lot
you're the Man _o_
you're the Man _o_