Page Curl effect in phpbb3

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BBCoder II
BBCoder II
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Joined: 03 Apr 2010, 19:25

Page Curl effect in phpbb3

Post by BAT »

I don't know if I am asking this question in correct section and in correct way ....

My question is :

how to add a page curl effect in phpbb3 boards index page ?

I am using phpbb3.0.6 ...
Last edited by BAT on 24 Jun 2010, 15:38, edited 1 time in total.
I am a Novice and I'm always confused . :?
BBCoder VI
BBCoder VI
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Re: Page Curl effect in phpbb3

Post by cisco007 »

You mean something like this?
author: Steve©
Description: Found this wonderfull page peel effect tutorial on a website ,cant remember where now but pulled the code and addapted it to work with phpBB3 :geek: ,tested and working in Firefox,IE7,safari web browsers
phpBB3 version 3.0.7 PL
prosilver instructions
[spoiler]open styles/prosilver/template/overall_header.html

Code: Select all

add before:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript"> 

//Page Flip on hover

	$("#pageflip").hover(function() {
		$("#pageflip img , .msg_block").stop()
				width: '125px', 
				height: '123px'
			}, 500); 
		} , function() {
		$("#pageflip img").stop() 
				width: '50px', 
				height: '52px'
			}, 220);
				width: '50px', 
				height: '50px'
			}, 200);


Code: Select all

<div id="wrap">
add after:

Code: Select all

    <!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS -->
<div id="pageflip">
	<!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS_OVERALL --><a href="{U_FEED}" title="{L_FEED} - {SITENAME}"><!-- ENDIF -->
		<img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/page_flip.png" alt="!" />
		<span class="msg_block">Subscribe via RSS</span>
    <!-- ENDIF -->
open styles/prosilver/theme/colours.css at the bottom add:

Code: Select all

/* --- pageflip --- */
#pageflip {
float: right;
#pageflip img {
	width: 50px; height: 52px;
	z-index: 99;
	right: 0; top: 0;
	-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
#pageflip .msg_block {
	width: 50px; height: 50px;
	z-index: 50;
	right: 0; top: 0;
	background: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/subscribe.png") no-repeat right top;
	text-indent: -9999px;
open styles/prosilver/theme/common.css

Code: Select all

#wrap {
	padding: 0 20px;
	min-width: 650px;
replace with:

Code: Select all

#wrap {
	padding: 0 20px;
	min-width: 650px;	
        margin: 0 30px;
now upload these 2 images your prosilver/theme/images/* folder
Refresh template and theme for prosilver, clear web browser ;)
subsilver2 instructoins
[spoiler]open styles/subsilver2/template/overall_header.html

Code: Select all

add before:

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">

    //Page Flip on hover

       $("#pageflip").hover(function() {
          $("#pageflip img , .msg_block").stop()
                width: '125px',
                height: '123px'
             }, 500);
          } , function() {
          $("#pageflip img").stop()
                width: '50px',
                height: '52px'
             }, 220);
                width: '50px',
                height: '50px'
             }, 200);


Code: Select all

<div id="wrapheader">
add after:

Code: Select all

        <!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS -->
    <div id="pageflip">
       <!-- IF S_ENABLE_FEEDS_OVERALL --><a href="{U_FEED}" title="{L_FEED} - {SITENAME}"><!-- ENDIF -->
          <img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/page_flip.png" alt="!" />
          <span class="msg_block">Subscribe via RSS</span>
        <!-- ENDIF -->
open styles/subsilver2/theme/stylesheet.css
at the bottom add:

Code: Select all

/* --- pageflip --- */

#pageflip {
    float: right;
#pageflip img {
    width: 50px; height: 52px;
    z-index: 99;
    right: 0; top: 0;
    -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;
#pageflip .msg_block {
    width: 50px; height: 50px;
    z-index: 50;
    right: 0; top: 0;
    background: url('./images/subscribe.png') no-repeat right top;
    text-indent: -9999px;
now upload these 2 images your subsilver2/theme/images/* folder
Refresh template for subsilver2, clear web browser ;)

you can always modify it for your needs!
BBCoder II
BBCoder II
Posts: 44
Joined: 03 Apr 2010, 19:25

Re: Page Curl effect in phpbb3

Post by BAT »

You are Great ......... Yes I was Asking this ...........
I am a Novice and I'm always confused . :?
BBCoder VI
BBCoder VI
Posts: 1015
Joined: 16 Mar 2010, 18:14
Location: Don't really know!

Re: Page Curl effect in phpbb3

Post by cisco007 »

just remember this is Steve©'s snippet, i just posted it here!