First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

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First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by Foggy »

In order the get any support, you will have to do following:
1. Use a describing title!
Well, the whole description wouldn't fit. Here's the rest of it:

On my forum, the first 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but they get an odd message.
2. Describe your problem and what happened when the problem occurred
The problem is the user reported receiving this message:

"The board administrator may have decided that posts in the forum you are posting to require review before submission. It is also possible that the administrator has placed you in a group of users whose posts require review before submission. Please contact the board administrator for further details."

That's NOT very helpful, and in fact, the user started a whole thread to "contact the board administrator for details," just like the message told her to do.

I'd like to edit the message so it says something like, "We need to approve your first three posts to make sure you're not a spammer. After three posts, you're in."

Is this message in a file somewhere, and can I edit it? :?
3. Tell us what version of phpBB3 you are currently using.

(I tried to upgrade a few months ago. I had already successfully upgraded from 3.0.4. When I tried to upgrade from 3.0.5, somehow the database got corrupted, the board was unusable for almost two days, and I had to pay $175 to my hosting company for them to restore the database from a backup (which caused the loss of almost a whole day's posts). My users still tease me about that, and I'm afraid to upgrade the version now.)
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by KukY13 »

You can edit template file posting_review.html.

Code: Select all

That is the line where the message is defined.
So you can edit lang files or just write your new message in there.
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by Foggy »

I'm still a newbie. Where do I find this file?

I found a posting_review.html in /phpBB3/styles/etech/template/, but it doesn't have the text I quoted.

The only style implemented on my board is prosilver_se, but there's no such file in /phpBB3/styles/prosilver_se/template/.

As I said, I messed up the board once already (though I still don't think I did anything wrong). I need a little more detailed information before I try to fix this problem. Pretend you're explaining to a child, please.
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by KukY13 »


[edit]we do not want any instructions on how to edit files the wrong way![/edit]
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by Foggy »

KukY13 » 09 Jul 2010, 12:53 wrote:Do you understand now?

I made the changes you suggest. My only remaining question is about this instruction:
Remove the '{L_POST_REVIEW_EXPLAIN}' part, and write your message in place of it.
Do I need quotation marks or curly brackets or anything?

Right now it says:

Code: Select all

<p>We need to approve your first three posts to make sure you're not a spammer. After three posts, you're in.</p>
Also, I'm not the "founding" admin, so I can't purge the cache myself, but I'll contact the owner/founder and ask him to do it.

Again, thank you so much. The day I found this board was a very good day indeed!
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by KukY13 »

No, it is ok as you done it.

Purging the cache is not so important, but you should be sure that the changes are aplied...
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by Foggy »

Uh oh.

I have a sockpuppet for testing purposes ["Gail"], that only had 1 post. I logged in as the sockpuppet and put up a second post, and got a completely different message than either of the two above. I got this message:
This message has been submitted successfully, but it will need to be approved by a moderator before it is publicly viewable. You will be notified when your post has been approved.
Now I'm REALLY confused.

Here, take a look, [link2]the thread only has 9 posts, ... =14&t=4371[/link2].
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by KukY13 »

Well, as much as I know that is the way that is done.
I don't know what caused that...
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by Inner Circle »

For gods sake KukY13 and Foggy

If you have to edit the template files, then DO IT IN THE FILES WHICH ARE ON YOUR FTP not through the ACP....

all changes will be lost when you purge the cache
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Re: First 3 posts by a new user must be approved, but ...

Post by cisco007 »

KukY13, I don't know where you learned how to edit your files, but like Inner Circle said, you NEVER EVER, edit your files through your ACP, do what Inner Circle said, stop giving bad advice, people should learn how to do stuff the right way!